smadzeņu darbības blakusprodukts
par publikācijām (turpinot planētas postu par pildspalvām) 
15th-Feb-2011 04:03 pm
Nav jau tā, ka zinātnieki tikai caur pudeļstiklu brillēm stumj mākoņus. Dažreiz viņi arī joko. Joki gan viņiem tādi savdabīgi

te skaists pētījums par karotīšu pussabrukšanas periodiem.

un mans mīļākais komentārs -

Ian Westmore, Retired
Home, 5251
Were the spoons used in this study cleaned in dishwashers? If so the cause of their apparent disappearance may be similar to that which sees socks regularly disappear when washed.

In a highly classified, and so far unpublished study I determined that socks are the larval stage of the common wire coat hanger. When temperatures and humidly are exactly right sock larvae crawl into the far recesses of washing machines to pupate emerging as fully formed, but still pliable hangers (bodies fully expand and harden instantly on exposure to sunlight) some 36 hours later. This timing ensures they will have the cover of darkness when they leave the machines to seek mates. Probably to maximise survival each sock twin seems to require slightly different conditions for initiation of metamorphosis which is why both socks of a pair rarely 'vanish' on the same day. As adults can only mate while hanging by their hook shaped tails, closets and wardrobes are their favoured habitat.

Competing interests: I drink tea black without sugar
15th-Feb-2011 05:31 pm
Brīnišķīgi :)
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