Viedie Cibas mikologi, jautājums tieši jums!
Raugi, es šopēcpusdien pie RIMI kases pašķirstīju krievu vīriešu žurnālu "Patron" (viens no maniem giltīpležeriem) un uzšķīru rindkopu kādā intervijā ar biologu. Un šis biologs visa cita starpā pilnīgi nopietni klāstīja, ka sēņu olbaltumvielas paliek cilvēka gremošanas sistēmai nepieejamas, jo visi labumi ir cieši ieslēgti hitīna kapsulās, kuras neviens mūsu ferments neņem. Un ka vienīgais veids, kā no sēnēm uzņemt kaut ko ķermenim noderīgu, ir tās izkaltēt un saberzt vai sablendēt. Citādi sanāk tikai patīkami pabraukāt pa garšas kārpiņām un izslidināt visus dievišķos labumus viegli samīcītus, bet citādi neskartus, cauri zarnu traktam.
Sakiet, jele, vai viņam ir taisnība?
Raugi, es šopēcpusdien pie RIMI kases pašķirstīju krievu vīriešu žurnālu "Patron" (viens no maniem giltīpležeriem) un uzšķīru rindkopu kādā intervijā ar biologu. Un šis biologs visa cita starpā pilnīgi nopietni klāstīja, ka sēņu olbaltumvielas paliek cilvēka gremošanas sistēmai nepieejamas, jo visi labumi ir cieši ieslēgti hitīna kapsulās, kuras neviens mūsu ferments neņem. Un ka vienīgais veids, kā no sēnēm uzņemt kaut ko ķermenim noderīgu, ir tās izkaltēt un saberzt vai sablendēt. Citādi sanāk tikai patīkami pabraukāt pa garšas kārpiņām un izslidināt visus dievišķos labumus viegli samīcītus, bet citādi neskartus, cauri zarnu traktam.
Sakiet, jele, vai viņam ir taisnība?
bet cilvēki gan pārsvarā interesējas par sēnēs esošajiem antioksidantiem, un par olbaltumvielām nebēdā
Effect of different cooking methods on nutritional value and antioxidant activity of cultivated mushrooms.
mikrenētas un grillētas iesaka.
Impact of optimised cooking on the antioxidant activity in edible mushrooms.
nu tātad olbaltumvielas nav tas, kādēļ cilvēki vispār ēd sēnas. līdzīgi kā ar garšvielām, citas lietas te svarīgākas. visi uz antioksidantiem.
daudz teksta, man slinkums pārstāstīt
human tissues, which means no need for enzymatic turnover and
remodeling of chitin structures. Therefore nutritionists have indicated chitin as a non-digestible polymer in the human organism
(Bukkens, 2005; DeFoliart, 1992) although chitin-containing foods
such as mushroom, crustaceans and insects are largely consumed,
especially in tropical countries. This assertion, however, has been
recenntly contradicted by reports describing up to nine mammalian
chitinases and chitinase-like genes that are present in man and
other mammals
Since the earliest discoveries, scientists hypothesized that mammalian chitinases take part in the innate immune response to
parasites, with the function of binding and digesting chitin structures such as cell walls, egg shells and cysts produced by many
organisms including fungi, protozoans and nematodes
Barone et al. (2003) detected higher chitotriosidase activity in
plasma of African children affected by acute malaria with respectto
reference values obtained in age-matched African children.
The state of the art of human activity of collecting, cultivating
and consuming chitin-bearing food such as crustaceans, insects and
mushrooms has been the object of several comprehensive ecological and ethnobiological investigations (DeFoliart, 1992; Paoletti &
Bukkens, 1997; Paoletti, 2005). The importance of entomophagy
has been also remarked by FAO, which stressed the great diversity and accessibility of this class of alimentary resources, being a
source of inorganics, proteins, vitamins and poly-unsaturated fatty
acids (Bukkens, 2005; Fontaneto et al., 2011).
More than 2000 species of arthropods are mostly used as food
by many populations worldwide, as extensively described and discussed by Posey (1984) for Amazonia, Ramos-Elorduy et al. (1997)
forCentralAmerica,Malaisse (1997)for centralAfrica, Zhi-Yi(2005)
for China, and Mitsihashi (2005) for Japan. For example, within the
Tukanoan population living in the Colombian Vaupes Amazon rain
forest, arthropods represent a fundamental source of food, providing 12–24% of total protein intake (Paoletti, Buscardo, & Dufour,
Chitin represents 5–20% of total dry-weight in adult crustaceans and insects. For this reason, Paoletti, Norberto, Damini, and
Musumeci (2007) and Paoletti, Norberto, Cozzarini, and Musumeci
(2009) suggested that a chitin-rich diet may influence chitinase
variability in human populations. Consequently they proposed that
the reduction of chitin intake in western diet may have reduced
selective pressure on the chitinase genes, probably resulting in the
loss of catalytic efficiency.
AMCase-dependent chitinolytic activity was finally proved in
humans and quantified by Paoletti et al. (2007) who analyzed
the gastric juice of 25 patients submitted to gastroscopy
Subsequent studies were performed to test in vitro the ability
of human gastric juices to hydrolyze natural chitin model obtained
from the wings of Calliphora vomitoria. Fly wings were found to
be only moderately digested by gastric juices even though AMCase
levels were high, thus no significant results were obtained from
these unpublished studies: it might be supposed however that in
the wings the chiral rigid chitin framework shown in Fig. 2 can
withstand the enzymatic attack better than other chitinous substrates.
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Thus the expression of AMCase in the human gastrointestinal
tract can represent a reminiscence of a past nutritional function
(Boot et al., 2005), and, therefore, AMCase expression in western population now can be a redundant phenomenon due to the
reduction of chitin in modern diet (Paoletti et al., 2007). To test
this hypothesis, the University of Padua, in collaboration with the
University of Trujillo (Peru), is currently performing a study on
chitinase genetic variability in Amerindian populations living in
the Amazonian basin, where dependence on chitinous food may
still represent a strong selective factor for chitinase functionality.
Two intriguing ethnobiological findings that expect to be assessed
and confirmed, emerged recently from the first fieldwork in those
regions: the traditional use, as an anti-asthmatic treatment, of a
syrup produced from suri palm-worm (Rhynchophorus palmarum,
Coleoptera) and the popular beliefthat states: people eating insects
do not suffer from asthma.
Enzīmi ir, kuņģī. Ne ļoti super aktīvi. Tie, kas labi ēd sēnes, labāk cīnās ar ļaunajiem uzbrucējiem. Rietumos sēnes, kukaiņus un šrimpijus ēd mazķ un gremo sliktāk
Bet! celulozi mēs nešķeļam nemaz, bet tas netraucē ēst augus, ka šņakst vien
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Re: daudz teksta, man slinkums pārstāstīt
saskumu. Tu uzskati, ka man ir dīvaini ēšanas paradumi un tiem līdzīgas citas dīvainības :(