Thus the expression of AMCase in the human gastrointestinal
tract can represent a reminiscence of a past nutritional function
(Boot et al., 2005), and, therefore, AMCase expression in western population now can be a redundant phenomenon due to the
reduction of chitin in modern diet (Paoletti et al., 2007). To test
this hypothesis, the University of Padua, in collaboration with the
University of Trujillo (Peru), is currently performing a study on
chitinase genetic variability in Amerindian populations living in
the Amazonian basin, where dependence on chitinous food may
still represent a strong selective factor for chitinase functionality.
Two intriguing ethnobiological findings that expect to be assessed
and confirmed, emerged recently from the first fieldwork in those
regions: the traditional use, as an anti-asthmatic treatment, of a
syrup produced from suri palm-worm (Rhynchophorus palmarum,
Coleoptera) and the popular beliefthat states: people eating insects
do not suffer from asthma.
no https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/a rticle/pii/S0144861711008629
Enzīmi ir, kuņģī. Ne ļoti super aktīvi. Tie, kas labi ēd sēnes, labāk cīnās ar ļaunajiem uzbrucējiem. Rietumos sēnes, kukaiņus un šrimpijus ēd mazķ un gremo sliktāk
Bet! celulozi mēs nešķeļam nemaz, bet tas netraucē ēst augus, ka šņakst vien
Thus the expression of AMCase in the human gastrointestinal
tract can represent a reminiscence of a past nutritional function
(Boot et al., 2005), and, therefore, AMCase expression in western population now can be a redundant phenomenon due to the
reduction of chitin in modern diet (Paoletti et al., 2007). To test
this hypothesis, the University of Padua, in collaboration with the
University of Trujillo (Peru), is currently performing a study on
chitinase genetic variability in Amerindian populations living in
the Amazonian basin, where dependence on chitinous food may
still represent a strong selective factor for chitinase functionality.
Two intriguing ethnobiological findings that expect to be assessed
and confirmed, emerged recently from the first fieldwork in those
regions: the traditional use, as an anti-asthmatic treatment, of a
syrup produced from suri palm-worm (Rhynchophorus palmarum,
Coleoptera) and the popular beliefthat states: people eating insects
do not suffer from asthma.
no https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/a
Enzīmi ir, kuņģī. Ne ļoti super aktīvi. Tie, kas labi ēd sēnes, labāk cīnās ar ļaunajiem uzbrucējiem. Rietumos sēnes, kukaiņus un šrimpijus ēd mazķ un gremo sliktāk
Bet! celulozi mēs nešķeļam nemaz, bet tas netraucē ēst augus, ka šņakst vien