Posted on 2011.12.14 at 20:45Doom: Gariem līdzi
Mūza: Brendan Perry

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Kali is shown standing on the prone, inert or dead body of Shiva. This may be interpreted in various ways but the most common is that Mahakali represents Shakti, the power of pure creation in the universe, and Shiva represents pure Consciousness which is inert in and of itself. While this is an advanced concept in monistic Shaktism, it also agrees with the Nondual Trika philosophy of Kashmir, popularly known as Kashmir Shaivism and associated most famously with Abhinavagupta. There is a colloquial saying that “Shiva without Shakti is Shava” which means that without the power of action (Shakti) that is Mahakali (represented as the short “i” in Devanagari) Shiva (or consciousness itself) is inactive; Shava means corpse in Sanskrit and the play on words is that all Sanskrit consonants are assumed to be followed by a short letter “a” unless otherwise noted. The short letter “i” represents the female power or Shakti that activates Creation. This is often the explanation for why She is standing on Shiva, who is either Her husband and complement in Shaktism or the Supreme Godhead in Shaivism. |
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Dīvainā karaļvalsts. Juris Rubenisby gramataselektroniski |
Mācītāja un filozofa Jura Rubeņa grāmata Dīvainā Karaļvalsts īspasaku veidā stāsta par šodien jo īpaši aktuālām problēmām. * * * * * * * Burvju nūjiņa Reiz dzīvoja ļaunais Pūķis un Bruņinieks. Bruņinieks ar Pūķi nemitīgi cīnījās un atbrīvoja cilvēkus no viņa ļaunās varas. Pēc tam cilvēki parasti atviegloti uzelpoja un par daudz ko vairs [...]