[Nov. 7th, 2021|09:19 am] |
[Tags | | | 2021, cyberpunk, cybersynth, dark synthwave, darksynth, dystopian, electronic, futuresynth, industrial, mixcloud, neoretroelectro, retrofuture, sci-fi, synthwave, techno | ] |
Labrīt, roboti! Mans ikmēneša 12 labāko tumšā sintezatorviļņa un ciparpretņa relīžu apskats ir klāt! Par to, ka oktobrī VISI skatījās Squid Game, ieturēts attiecīgi distopiskās noskaņās, enerģisks un futūristisks muziks pēcapokalipses sagaidīšanai. (Kaut kad būs arī šīgada sinthelovīnam veltīta B puse.)
13 gabali, 43 minūtes, 14 sekundes. Linki uz bendkempiem komentāros. Endjoy!
[Oct. 21st, 2021|01:13 am] |
Normāls pilnmēness, tāpēc uztaisīju tizlu (īsu) miksteipu no 10 seriāla «Troņu Spēles» galvenās tēmas amatieru sintezatorviļņa versijām. WYSIWYG:
bc kolekcija |
[Nov. 28th, 2015|10:10 am] |
[Tags | | | ambient, apocalyptic, black metal, blackgaze, coldwave, cyberpunk, digital hardcore, doom, drone, dsbm, electronic, experimental, industrial, mathcore, metal, neofolk, post metal, post rock, post-black metal, psychedelic, ritual, space worship, synthwave, tribal, witch house | ] |
Pilns internets ar mūziku, bet nav ko klausīties? Man tā nekad nav
Privātā akcija «uzsauc pa aliņam mīļākajiem māksliniekiem» (jeb virspusējs/vispusīgs ieskats pēdējos pāris gados aktuālajā) p.s. te ir vēl kāds, kas iepērkas bandcampā? |
Fuck Buttons - Slow Focus (2013) |
[Jun. 21st, 2013|09:28 pm] |
Nu un vēl viens ilgi gaidīts nomnom bungādiņām no britu salām, kā reiz uz saulxriežiem. Nav diez ko līdzīgs pirmajiem diviem (kas labi, jo Tarot Sport jau nupat devās pārāk gaišā virzienā), bet tāpat kvalitatīva, progresīva un vietām ekstātiska, gandrīz postapokaliptiska elektronika.
01. Brainfreeze (un viss pārējais) 03. The Red Wing (official video)
120 MB, CBR 320
Marnie - Crystal World (2013) |
[Jun. 21st, 2013|09:23 pm] |
Dievs vien zina, kad iznāks nākamais Ladytron albums, taču gravitācijas pamestajiem faniem kvarteta taustiņniece un vokāliste Helēna Mārnija sagādājusi saldo ēdienu ar savu debiju solo ampulā. Ierakstīts Īslandē un pašizdots ar PledgeMusic platformas palīdzību (vāciņš bik atbaidošs, tas gan, bet mūzikas melodiska, samtaina un lieliski producēta elektropopa mīlētājus nepievils)
01. The Hunter (official video) 03. Hearts on Fire (subtitulado en español ;)
108 MB, CBR 320
ViesacH - 121 |
[Jan. 17th, 2013|10:47 pm] |
garāža no LV. spied virsū lai klausītos/lādētu.
[Dec. 22nd, 2012|01:44 pm] |
sveiciens svētkos.
klausam, lādējam, dalamies.
13th Terminal - Kremt[DEX054] 28.40|320kbps|66mb |
[May. 29th, 2012|12:31 pm] |
klausamies lādējam
13th Terminal - LGHT 22:56|320kbps|53mb |
[Feb. 27th, 2012|07:33 pm] |
klausamies te
13th Terminal - Ido 13:09|320kbps|30mb |
[Feb. 19th, 2012|06:46 pm] |
klausamies te
13th Terminal - Airquake 19:38|320kbps|46mb |
[Jan. 29th, 2012|10:39 pm] |
Can'tnine Airquake Truebal Death
demo/nepabeigtas versijas |
Masquer - Cover My Face As The Animals Cry [2011] |
[Dec. 21st, 2011|11:34 pm] |
Duets no Zviedrijas. It kā jau kārtējā "wannabe 80s" grupa, ko apstiprina arī albuma nosaukums, kas atsaucas uz The Cure, bet tā kā vismaz grupas nosaukums neietver vārdu 'division', tad nav tik traki. No ņūveivīgi dejīgam līdz melanholiski piezemētam.
M83 - Hurry Up, We're Dreaming (2011) |
[Oct. 23rd, 2011|01:18 pm] |
V0, 134 MiB failiem.lv |
We have made suburbs of ourselves and the only road out is on the dancefloor |
[Oct. 19th, 2011|12:49 am] |
Various Artists - Cold Waves & Minimal Electronics Volume 1
Tracklisting: 1. Absolute Body Control - Figures
2. Nine Circles - Twinkling Stars
3. Linear Movement - Night In June
4. Opera Multi Steel - Ils S'eloigent
5. Bal Paré - Palais d'Amour
6. Eleven Pond - Watching Trees
7. The Vyllies - Babylon
8. End of Data - Dans Votre Monde
9. The Actor - Lights
10. Ausgang Verboten - Consumer
11. Jeunesse d'Ivoire - A Gift Of Tears
12. OTO - Anyway
13. Ruth - Polaroïd/Roman/Photo
14. Stereo - Somewhere In The Night
15. The Neon Judgement - The Fashion Party
16. Land of Giants - Cannibal Dolls
17. Days of Sorrow - Travel
"The album chronicles the secret underground cult genres of cold wave and minimal wave, which mostly originated from continental Europe between the years 1981-1985."
+ maza intervija avīzē
King Creosote & Jon Hopkins - Diamond Mine (2011) |
[May. 26th, 2011|04:21 pm] |
"This is a collaboration that makes sense. Both share a taste for a rather languid tempo, that of small-town life and the more tender, bittersweet emotions; and theirs is a pairing that’s complementary, Hopkins colouring in the spaces around Anderson’s wearied voice, guitar and woozy accordion." BBC
King Creosote & Jon Hopkins - Diamond Mine (2011) |
Strāvoklis |
[May. 10th, 2011|11:45 am] |
Tev ir iespēja par ziedojumiem lejupielādēt albūmu ar 19 Latvijas neatkarīgo mūziķu dziesmām Raiņa dzejā tevis izvēlētā formātā: (spied uz bildes)
Info: www.stravoklis.lv
13th Terminal - Pale Blue Dot [22:38|51mb|320kbps] |
[Apr. 6th, 2011|03:03 pm] |
Atvainojos par tik uzkrītošu un nekaunīgu pašreklāmu, bet manuprāt šis ir mans labākais veikums un ļoti gribās padalīties. īsumā: 3 dziesmas, 127bpm, 320kbps, bass, klikšķi un sprakšķi. |
Llovespell - Last Breath Before Light (2009) |
[Mar. 7th, 2011|09:36 pm] |
Man liekas, ka šo projektu klausās nepieklājīgi maz cilvēku:
Llovespell - Last Breath Before Light (2009, VBR 65MB)
Taste Please
Arī pārējie albumi ir labi |
[Nov. 30th, 2010|07:40 pm] |
Jaunais albums no tehno spīdekļiem Simian Mobile Disco.
Gus Gus – 15 ára (2010) |
[Nov. 23rd, 2010|01:13 pm] |
15 YEARS OF GUSGUS: The music group GusGus celebrates its 15 year anniversary this year, 2010. As a part of the anniversary celebrations GusGus has made a special compilation LP. The name of the LP is “15 YEARS” and it features 21 tunes from 6 previous LPs made by the group.
All the tunes on the compilation LP are specially edited and remastered for this anniversary issue in order to make the clear core of each tune shine through at its best. Even though listeners may have heard most of the tunes before, it will be obvious that these versions are different in such a tight form.
COIL - "Love's Secret Domain (LSD)" CD - 1991 & 2001 |
[Nov. 16th, 2010|04:56 am] |
[Tags | | | acid house, avangarde, bill mcgee, charles hayward, coil, dance, danny hyde, electronic, experimental, industrial, jack dangers, john balance, little anny anxiety bandez, marc almond, meat beat manifesto, peter christopherson, rose mcdowall, techno | ] |
[ | mood |
| | vakariņas? | ] |
[ | music |
| | Christian Death - Lament (Over The Shadows) | ] | Atkal par Coil (pēc vienu domām) labāko albumu, (pēc otru domām) sliktāko (domāts komerciālāko) albumu, bet vēl pēc citu domām "dižo, pazaudēto/aizmirsto 90-to gadu sākuma acid house un tchno mūzikas pērli" (c) Discogs.
Šoreiz divi folderi vienā arhīvā: 1991.gada CD versija, kas jau krietni atšķīrās no LP versijas, kā arī 2001.gada remiksētā un remāsterotā versija.
Coil - "Love's Secret Domain" CD - 1991 [Torso / WaxTrax! (TORSO CD 181 / WAX7143)]
Coil - "Love's Secret Domain" CD - 2001 [Threshold House (LOCI CD 17)] - remixed and remastered by Thighpaulsandra (Coil)
Katrā: 13 skaņdarbi / 1)59:31 min. 2)59:34 / mp3 / 1)128 kbps; 192 kbps / 1)56,9 MB; 2)83,9 MB / ID3 tagi sataisīti / + fotogrāfijas
Lai nu kā tik daudz eksperimentālajā un underground mūzikā prominentu cilvēku nav piedalījušies nevienā citā COIL albumā (izņemot grupas lielāko fanu Trentu Reznoru, kurš piedalījās un savā studijā pats ierakstīja nākamo pilnasinīgo Coil albumu, tomēr tas tā arī palika neizdots līdz 2005.gadam... kādēļ par to, kad pienāks laiks).
Šis arī ir narkotiskākais Coil albums, un lai arī kādas pērles tālāk Coil neizxlaida (ieskaitot 3 manus mīļākos albumus), tomēr šī eksperimentēšana ar ķīmiju noveda Coil pie grupas gala un grupas dibinātāja, tekstu autora, dzejnieka, mākslinieka; prominentākā mūsdienu britu okultista, "new born pagan", alkoholiķa un narkomāna Džona Belensa nāves "melnajā piektdienā", 2004.gada 13.novembrī.
Tomēr šis albums pavēra Coil arī ceļu uz meinstrīmu.... kuru paši Coil ar lielu blīkšķi un izstieptu vidējo pirkstu arī aizvēra.
Daudz vairāk informācijas un disku foto manā bedrē: http://klab.lv/users/cloud_zero/69986.html |
COIL - "Love's Secret Domain (L.S.D.)" LP/MC - 1991 [TORSO 33181 / WAXCS 7143] |
[Nov. 2nd, 2010|02:13 am] |
[Tags | | | acid house, avangarde, bill mcgee, coil, dance, danny hyde, electronic, experimental, industrial, jack dangers, john balance, marc almond, meat beat manifesto, peter christopherson, rose mcdowall, techno | ] |
[ | mood |
| | fucked-up | ] |
[ | music |
| | Rosa Mundi (Coil) - Christmas Is Now Growing Near (tradition | ] | Beidzot tas laiks ir pienācis:))) Nu jā, COIL trešais albums un albums, kas iezīmē pavērsienu viņu muzikālajā karjerā (pateicoties daudz apziņu izmainošām narkotikām). Citi to vienkārši sauc par Coil "acid house" albumu, citi par narkotiskāko albumu, citi par zudušo 1991.gada mūzikas pērli, citi ka tas neatbilst nevienam raksturojumam, kas ir dots lauciņā "Tags", taču tomēr atzīst ka no visa ir pa druskai, citivēl savādāk, bet jāatzīst, ka šis albums ienesa ļoti lielas pārmaiņas COIL muzikālajā un arī personālajā lauciņā.
COIL - "Love's Secret Domain (L.S.D.)" LP/MC - 1991 [TORSO 33181 / WAXCS 7143]
9 skaņdarbi / 44:59 min / mp3 / 320 kbps / 111 MB / ID3 Tagi sataisīti + kādi 6 foto
Šādas versijas ir 4.gab 1) TORSO, ko jūs šeit redzat; 2) Torso promo versija, identiska šai tikai baltā vāciņā, ar identisku partijas numuru; 3) Wax Trax! promo versija [WAX 7143] (kārtīga versija nekad netiek izdota, jo WT tobrīd pārņem kompānija TVT. kas vairs neatbalsta vinilu izdošanu un izdod tikai CD versiju (kas pamatīgi atšķiras no LP versijas). Man bija iespēja šādu iegādāties (arī tikai balti vāciņi un ar roku rakstīts grupas un albuma nosaukums, bet es paskopojos, par ko joprojām nožēloju). Un tad vēl bija Wax Trax (paspēja izdot) audio kasetes versija (WAXCS 7143), kas diemžēl man nav un attēla arī man nav. Bet visas augšminētās četras versijas satur identisku audio programmu).
Savukārt 1991.gada CD versijas, nemaz nerunājot par 2001.gada CD versiju satur jau remiksētu versiju, kurai pievienoti vēl vairāki skaņdarbi, savukārt lielākā daļa esošo iekļauti pagarinātos miksos)
Bet, lai šis posts nebūtu pārāk garš, tad visu par CD versijām un COIL stila un "grupas" sastāva maiņām (un mūziķiem, kas piedalījās šī albuma ierakstā) -0 par to visu nākamreiz, kad būs šī albuma CD versijas posts. |
c418 -Life Changing Moments Seem Minor in Pictures |
[Oct. 26th, 2010|10:54 am] |
ABOUT Days before the release, I was at the Berlin indie game jam, trying to enjoy myself. At one of the later days, I received a phone call, stating that I was supposed to quit my job and find a civilian service thingie for the next 6 months. All in short notice. I was a bit baffled by that sudden change in my life. You see, I thought I would work on the boring but paying job I’m at for more than two years. And now I’m supposed to leave this all behind, ending up with no job thanks to our government system. This was all a bit too much for me, and instead of searching a civil thingie place, I decided to put the last 6 months of work into this album. DOWNLOAD Ja nu tomēr rodas velme noklausīties pirms novelkam, tad ejam uz bandcamp saiti. |
COIL - "The Snow (Remixes)" - visas 3 ATŠĶIRĪGĀS CD versijas (1991-1995) |
[Oct. 25th, 2010|10:57 pm] |
[Tags | | | acid house, avangarde, coil, dance, electronic, experimental, industrial, jack dangers, john balance, meat beat manifesto, peter christopherson, techno | ] |
[ | mood |
| | fucked-up | ] |
[ | music |
| | Rozz Williams - "The Winner Takes It All" (ABBA cover) | ] | COIL - "The Snow (Remixes)" - visas 3 atšķirīgās CD versijas (1991-1995)
Informācija (sīkāka) par šo ierakstu iepriekšējos postos par vinilu versijām:
http://klab.lv/users/cloud_zero/67441.html http://klab.lv/users/cloud_zero/69346.html http://klab.lv/users/cloud_zero/65143.html http://klab.lv/users/cloud_zero/65605.html
Šeit informācija tikai par šo postu. Vienā arhīvā ir trīs ATŠĶIRĪGĀS (tā jau ir vēl vairāk) "The Snow EP" CD versijas:
COIL - "The Snow" CDEP - 1991 (Torso [CD180] / Wax Trax! [WAXCD 9144]) - 6 tracks (192 kbps)
COIL - "The Snow" CDEP - 1992 (TVT Records (ex-Wax Trax! Records) [TVT 8644]) - 7 tracks (128 kbps)
COIL - "Windowpane & The Snow" CD - 1995 (Threshold House [Coil] - LOCI CD 7) - 9 tracks (256 kbps)
Nākamreiz beidzot nākamais COIL albums "L.S.D. jeb Love's Secret Domain" (gan LP gan CD versija, nezinu tik vai vienā vai atsevišķos postos). |
Brian Eno - Small Craft on a Milk Sea (2010) |
[Oct. 21st, 2010|01:20 pm] |
The music recorded for this album was mostly improvised and inspired by the sound of soundtrack albums and film scores. Some of the songs were composed by choosing random chords played for arbitrary intervals with improvised electronic parts on top of the melody and then edited together to make a proper song.
Aphex Twin_Window Licker_DubLicker Remix(2010) |
[Oct. 19th, 2010|08:53 pm] |
Lūk patiešām fantastisks window licker remiks. |
How to Dress Well - Love Remains (2010) |
[Oct. 15th, 2010|01:19 am] |
Tom Krell leads a double life. During the day, he’s a research fellow currently translating a book of post-Kantian philosophy in Cologne, Germany. But after work he’s making narcotized, below-fi R&B as How to Dress Well. In October of last year, Krell started posting batches of his clouded tunes to his blog. They’re marked by his high voice, piercing and fragile like the rest of this music.
Avey Tare - Down There [2010] |
[Oct. 11th, 2010|09:09 pm] |
--- --- kāds šo varētu gribēt. |
Coil - The Snow (Remixes) EP 12''EP - 1991 (Torso [12180]) - Coil "acid house" ēra |
[Oct. 11th, 2010|12:49 am] |
[Tags | | | acid house, avangarde, coil, dance, electronic, experimental, industrial, jack dangers, john balance, meat beat manifesto, peter christopherson, techno | ] |
[ | mood |
| | lieliski noguris | ] |
[ | music |
| | Eva O - Not Seen | ] | Ja kādam ir grūtības novilkt kādu no maniem iepriekšējiem postiem, arhīvā ir kļūda, vai fails ir dzēsts, dodiet man ziņu un tas tiks savests kārtībā, vai posts tiks ielikts no jauna!
Lai atkal nesanāk baigais palags (dēļ 4 fotogrāfijām) es par šo ierakstu neko jaunu nerakstīšu, jo viss jau ir pateikts iepriekšējā postā, ar to atšķirību, ka iepriekšējais ieraksts bija promo kopija ar 3 bskaqņdarbiem, bet šī ir oriģinālā "tirgus" kopija ar 6 skaņdarbiem - 5 remiksiem un oriģinālo skaņdarbu kā pēdējo. Pēc remiksos ieguldītā darba šo ierakstu varētu saukt COIL vs MEAT BEAT MANIFESTO. Šis ir Coil "acid house" ēras notrais ieraksts.
Informāciju lasiet šajā postā (bet paturiet prātā augšminētās izmaiņas): http://klab.lv/users/cloud_zero/67441.html
Coil - "The Snow (Remixes) EP" 12"EP - 1991 (Torso [TORSO 12180])
6 skaņdarbi / 34:37 min. / 84,5 MB / mp3 / 320 kbps / ID3 tagi sataisīti / 8 foto (4+4)
Nākamreiz tad vienā folderī mēģināšu apvienot šā ieraksta CD versijas un pēc tam jau leģendārais nun ilgi solītais 1991.gada albums "Love's Secret Domain (LSD)" visās man pieejamās versijās ar abiem videoklipiem no šī albuma. |
Ruth White - Flowers of Evil (1969) |
[Oct. 2nd, 2010|08:18 am] |
divShare | lejup.lv |
TOKiMONSTA – Midnight Menu (2010) |
[Oct. 1st, 2010|09:27 am] |
Born and raised in the South Bay area of Los Angeles, TOKiMONSTA
(Jennifer Lee) was an unfocused pupil of classical piano. However, she
has come to use this background to understand and create vast
soundscapes and textures through the usage of live instruments,
percussion, digital manipulation, and dusty vinyl. Through the creation
of beats, she is able to fuse the sounds of the past with her musical
prowess into something avant garde.
Tricky - Mixed Race (2010) |
[Sep. 29th, 2010|06:46 am] |
Mixed Race was recorded in Paris, where Tricky currently lives, and has been described by Domino Records as "his most passionate album to date". Tricky himself has described it as "the most uptempo album I've done". Musically, the album takes influence from UK, Jamaican, US, North African and French music.
Piano Magic - Home Recordings (2010) |
[Sep. 20th, 2010|03:46 pm] |
Given that Piano Magic’s Glen Johnson is one-third of 2L’s nerve centre,
it was only a matter of time before he gave fans a special reason to
subscribe to the label. The lo-fi – but far from scrappy – Home
Recordings is emphatically a very special reason for Piano
Magic fanatics to be signed-up. Whilst lesser bands with the same
amount of miles on the clock would only seek to revisit past ‘hits’ in
stripped-down form to vainly revive flagging creativity, Johnson and co.
do it out of pure love for intimate recording environments, to
demonstrate the adaptability of consistently strong songwriting and to
connect the latter-day live-centric line-up of the group with the early
ethos of 1999’s sublime DIY-built Low Birth Weight. With Angèle
David-Guillou taking on far more mic duties than on last year’s Ovations
LP and Johnson re-voicing songs once given over to other guest
singers, just in vocal terms Home Recordings is a dream come
true for fans. Adding more electro-acoustic and more loosely-framed
arrangements into the mix makes for results that are frequently
breathtaking and radically re-calibrating.
Salem - King Night (2010) |
[Sep. 18th, 2010|07:44 pm] |
Salem are a US-American drag trio from Traverse City, composed of John Holland, Heather Marlatt, and Jack Donoghue. Each member performs vocals in turn, Holland a "devil on codeine," Marlatt as "darkly angelic" and Donoghue's "goblin-voiced fury" revealing the group's roots in the "chopped, screwed aesthetic of southern hip-hop"
Magic Man - Real Life Color (2010) |
[Sep. 18th, 2010|07:13 pm] |
Flying Lotus – Pattern + Grid World (2010) |
[Sep. 18th, 2010|06:10 pm] |
- Clay
- Kill Your Co-Workers
- PieFace
Time Vampires
Jurassic NotionM Theory
Camera Day
Physics For Everyone!
Klaxons – Surfing The Void (2010) |
[Sep. 17th, 2010|05:31 pm] |
Klaxons are a psychedelic pop band based in London.
Gold Panda - Lucky Shiner (2010) |
[Sep. 17th, 2010|02:46 pm] |
Gold Panda is an electronic musician from Chelmsford in the United
Kingdom living and working in London.
Audio Bullys |
[Sep. 15th, 2010|09:33 pm] |
Maximum Balloon – Maximum Balloon (2010) |
[Sep. 15th, 2010|02:21 pm] |
Andrew Sitek would be content enough if he were just one of the five guys in TV On The Radio. His role as guitarist, multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, producer and sometimes beat-boxer for one of the world's most original bands, splitting time between the studio and an arduous tour schedule, has its obvious rewards. In a parallel life, Sitek would be equally content if he were just employed as a celebrated producer. Behind the boards, he's helped amplify the talents of critically-acclaimed and popular bands like the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Liars, The Oh Sees and others; he produced Scarlett Johansson's album of Tom Waits covers and gave birth to the alluring sound of new singer, Holly Miranda.
The centre cannot hold EP (2004) |
[Sep. 13th, 2010|09:13 pm] |
Oh, this shit is so good!
sample ( info ) |