bc kolekcija |
[Nov. 28th, 2015|10:10 am] |
[Tags | | | ambient, apocalyptic, black metal, blackgaze, coldwave, cyberpunk, digital hardcore, doom, drone, dsbm, electronic, experimental, industrial, mathcore, metal, neofolk, post metal, post rock, post-black metal, psychedelic, ritual, space worship, synthwave, tribal, witch house | ] |
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Salem - King Night (2010) |
[Sep. 18th, 2010|07:44 pm] |
Salem are a US-American drag trio from Traverse City, composed of John Holland, Heather Marlatt, and Jack Donoghue. Each member performs vocals in turn, Holland a "devil on codeine," Marlatt as "darkly angelic" and Donoghue's "goblin-voiced fury" revealing the group's roots in the "chopped, screwed aesthetic of southern hip-hop"