Les Discrets - Ariettes Oubliées... (2012) |
[Feb. 25th, 2012|03:39 pm] |

Kārtējais elfu blekmetāls no Francijas, tanī pat plauktā, kur Alcest, mierīgi liekams, in fact Les Discrets radītājs gan spēlējis ar Neigi vēl vienā post black metal ansamblī (Amesoeurs), gan zīmējis mākslu visiem iepriekšminēto un vairāku citu (Agalloch, Neun Welten u.c.) projektu izdevumiem. Last.fm
06. Au Creux de l'Hiver
118 MB, CBR 320
Alcest - Les voyages de l'âme (2012) |
[Jan. 18th, 2012|12:40 pm] |

No 2012. šis pagaidām man visuzbudinošākais. Zinātājiem un tiem, kurus uzrunā tie tagi
113 MB, VBR 0 |
Immanu El – In Passage [2011] |
[Nov. 4th, 2011|03:39 am] |
 Release: 29 October 2011
Genre: Post Rock
Quality: MP3 256Kbps
Size: 92 Mb
01 – Skagerak
02 – Conquistador
03 – The Threshold
04 – Comforting Dawn
05 – Into Waters
06 – To An Ocean
07 – While I’m Reaching For You
08 – On Wide Shoulders |
M83 - Hurry Up, We're Dreaming (2011) |
[Oct. 23rd, 2011|01:18 pm] |

V0, 134 MiB failiem.lv |
Tamaryn - The Waves [2010] |
[Oct. 6th, 2010|10:41 pm] |
Salem - King Night (2010) |
[Sep. 18th, 2010|07:44 pm] |
Salem are a US-American drag trio from Traverse City, composed of John Holland, Heather Marlatt, and Jack Donoghue. Each member performs vocals in turn, Holland a "devil on codeine," Marlatt as "darkly angelic" and Donoghue's "goblin-voiced fury" revealing the group's roots in the "chopped, screwed aesthetic of southern hip-hop"
Deerhunter - Halcyon Digest (2010) |
[Sep. 16th, 2010|08:58 pm] |
Halcyon Digest is the upcoming fourth studio album by American indie rock band Deerhunter. About the title, Cox stated "The album's title is a reference to a collection of fond memories and even invented ones, like my friendship with Ricky Wilson or the fact that I live in an abandoned victorian autoharp factory. The way that we write and rewrite and edit our memories to be a digest version of what we want to remember, and how that's kind of sad."
Justin K. Broadrick Discography |
[May. 26th, 2010|09:33 pm] |
[Tags | | | ambient, drone, drum'n'base, dub, experimental, hip-hop, industrial, metal, noise, post-rock, power electronics, shoegaze, sludge, techno | ] |
Te kāds cilvēks ir labi pacenties visu apkopot..
 Sava žanra aizsācēja un skaņu pavēlnieka Justin K. Broadrick daiļrade gandrīz pašā pilnībā:
Justin Broadrick - part 1 (Info) (The Blood Of Heroes/Council Estate Electronics/Fall Of Because/Final/Godflesh/Greymachine/Head Of David/Jesu/Napalm Death/White Static Demon), MP3 (tracks), 128-320 kbps | 9.16 GB
Lejuplādēt: torrent fails bez reģistrācijas
Justin Broadrick - part 2 (Info) (Biomechanical/Curse Of The Golden Vampire/Cylon/Eraser/God/Ice/J²/Krackhead/The Sidewinder/Solaris BC/Sub Species/Sweet Tooth/Tech Level 2/Techno Animal/White Viper/Youpho/Zonal), MP3(tracks), 128-320 kbps | 4.71 GB
Lejuplādēt: torrent fails bez reģistrācijas
The Angelic Process "Weighing Souls With Sand" |
[Jan. 11th, 2010|12:50 am] |

ljoti gruuti kautko pateikt par sho ieraxtu. tik kontrastains un tajaa pashaa laikaa monoliits tas ir. MILZIIGAA smagaa skanjaa ieteerpts sirdi plososhs melodiskums. sirsniigi apokaliptisks un episki ekstaatiski tragjisks. dziesmaam "the resonance of goodbye" un "we all die laughing" ir jaushams liels potenciaals ar laiku pievienoties pasaules veestures klasisko suicide songu pleilistee taadiem hiitiem kaa "love will tear us apart" un "gloomy sunday". grupa beigusi pastaaveet sakaraa ar liidera naaves iestaashanos :(
The Big Pink - A Brief History of Love (2009) |
[Dec. 1st, 2009|10:06 pm] |
Girls - Album (2009) |
[Nov. 28th, 2009|05:27 pm] |
Asobi Seksu |
[Aug. 14th, 2009|08:28 pm] |
Tāds kā dream pop indie. Dzied meitene japāņu un angļu valodās. Skaista balss un labas melodijas.
 Sāciet ar dziesmu Walk On The Moon, piemēram :). |
July Skies - The English Cold [2005] |
[Jul. 18th, 2009|02:08 pm] |
Iedomājies saulrietu jūlija mākoņos, bērnus spēlējamies zeltainos labības laukos un pamestos lidmašīnu angāros. Iemiedz.
 Nezkāpēc albuma direktorija nosaukta For Lost Airmen, patiesībā man šis nosaukums patīk vēl labāk. |