bc kolekcija |
[Nov. 28th, 2015|10:10 am] |
[Tags | | | ambient, apocalyptic, black metal, blackgaze, coldwave, cyberpunk, digital hardcore, doom, drone, dsbm, electronic, experimental, industrial, mathcore, metal, neofolk, post metal, post rock, post-black metal, psychedelic, ritual, space worship, synthwave, tribal, witch house | ] |
Pilns internets ar mūziku, bet nav ko klausīties? Man tā nekad nav
Privātā akcija «uzsauc pa aliņam mīļākajiem māksliniekiem» (jeb virspusējs/vispusīgs ieskats pēdējos pāris gados aktuālajā) p.s. te ir vēl kāds, kas iepērkas bandcampā? |
The Mount Fuji Doomjazz Corporation - Egor (2012) |
[Mar. 1st, 2012|01:03 pm] |

Viss tas, ko varētu gaidīt, dziļš, tumšs trans, aptrakusi vijole, apokaliptiski dārdi, aizpasauliskas gaudas (siev. dz., pārsvarā), pūšamie un viss pie tam šoreiz atkal ar bungām! Last.fm 02. Knock by the Stairs
118 MB, VBR 0
p.s. komūnā ir likts arī Anthropomorphic (2011), sk. tagus, bet, manuprāt, spēcīgākais albums, ar ko šis nīderlandiešu projekts būtu (ja būtu) jāiepazīst, ir 2009. gada Succubus... vai arī vnk jāiepazīst The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble, kas, kā jau nosaukums liek nojaust, ir biš vieglāk accessible nepieradinātai ausij
This Will Destroy You - Tunnel Blanket [2011] |
[Nov. 4th, 2011|02:24 am] |
 Released: 9 May 2011 8 tracks (60:42) 1.Little Smoke 2.Glass Realms 3.Communal Blood 4.Reprise 5.Killed The Lord, Left For The New World 6.Osario 7.Black Dunes 8.Hand Powdered
This album is dedicated to the memory of jerry fuchs
Strings by Cristopher Tignor
Bass by Michael Bryant
Mixed and engineered by John Congleton
Mastered by Alan Douches
Orchestral Magnetophons In The Dark (2010) |
[Aug. 26th, 2011|07:24 pm] |

Orchestral Magnetophons In The Dark 2010.g. ieraksts, kas
veikts brīvā laikā no "Stokholmas Sindroma" darbiem. Balss, teksts -
Regnārs Vaivars; Bass - Jēkabs Voļatovskis; Bass, gongs - Kaspars Rolšteins. |
Sunn O))) - Agharti Live 09-10 (2011; Southern Lord) |
[Apr. 6th, 2011|04:44 pm] |
Æthenor - En Form For Blå (VHF Records; 2011) |
[Mar. 6th, 2011|12:45 am] |
The Mount Fuji Doomjazz Corporation - Anthropomorphic |
[Jan. 30th, 2011|08:48 pm] |

Hotfile | iFolder | Yandex (CBR 320)
Avot te viss ir kā pieklājas, man gan labāk patika, kad bija ar bungām (jā, bledd, bungu nebūs :( |
Thuja - The deer lay down their bones |
[Nov. 3rd, 2010|02:48 pm] |

51 mb / 160 kbps / 44 min
Justin K. Broadrick Discography |
[May. 26th, 2010|09:33 pm] |
[Tags | | | ambient, drone, drum'n'base, dub, experimental, hip-hop, industrial, metal, noise, post-rock, power electronics, shoegaze, sludge, techno | ] |
Te kāds cilvēks ir labi pacenties visu apkopot..
 Sava žanra aizsācēja un skaņu pavēlnieka Justin K. Broadrick daiļrade gandrīz pašā pilnībā:
Justin Broadrick - part 1 (Info) (The Blood Of Heroes/Council Estate Electronics/Fall Of Because/Final/Godflesh/Greymachine/Head Of David/Jesu/Napalm Death/White Static Demon), MP3 (tracks), 128-320 kbps | 9.16 GB
Lejuplādēt: torrent fails bez reģistrācijas
Justin Broadrick - part 2 (Info) (Biomechanical/Curse Of The Golden Vampire/Cylon/Eraser/God/Ice/J²/Krackhead/The Sidewinder/Solaris BC/Sub Species/Sweet Tooth/Tech Level 2/Techno Animal/White Viper/Youpho/Zonal), MP3(tracks), 128-320 kbps | 4.71 GB
Lejuplādēt: torrent fails bez reģistrācijas
i'll tell you a story |
[Mar. 16th, 2010|11:28 pm] |

blogs ar experimental , noise, drone, fieldrecordings un to pierobežu mūziku. aidan baker, kaffe matthews, pulse emitter, z'ev, the gerogerigegege un citi. lai arī atkal rapidshare.
tepat vien ir
The Angelic Process "Weighing Souls With Sand" |
[Jan. 11th, 2010|12:50 am] |

ljoti gruuti kautko pateikt par sho ieraxtu. tik kontrastains un tajaa pashaa laikaa monoliits tas ir. MILZIIGAA smagaa skanjaa ieteerpts sirdi plososhs melodiskums. sirsniigi apokaliptisks un episki ekstaatiski tragjisks. dziesmaam "the resonance of goodbye" un "we all die laughing" ir jaushams liels potenciaals ar laiku pievienoties pasaules veestures klasisko suicide songu pleilistee taadiem hiitiem kaa "love will tear us apart" un "gloomy sunday". grupa beigusi pastaaveet sakaraa ar liidera naaves iestaashanos :(
Charlemagne Palestine & Christoph Heemann - Saiten In Flammen (STREAMLINE; 2009) |
[Jan. 8th, 2010|09:11 pm] |
Kevin Drumm - Imperial Horizon (Hospital Productions; 2009) |
[Jan. 4th, 2010|11:22 am] |
kevin drumm - imperial distortion (hospital productions; 2009) |
[Nov. 16th, 2009|07:26 pm] |
 CD.1 CD.2 |
CONCERN - Truth & Distance |
[Oct. 29th, 2009|11:07 am] |
Gordon Ashworth is Concern and this is his manifesto. "Truth & Distance" is a mini-epic, a minor masterpiece. Within these sonic walls lies a stunning landscape, adrift in golden tones and silver siren songs. Ashworth creates beautiful, shimmering music that defies categorization. It stands on its own, droning away into the furthest reaches of the night. Using only acoustic instrumentation, Ashworth conceives pieces of music in which resonance and timbre mutate and in the air and unfold naturally, organically.
Hints of piano glisten like night shadows whispering through the leaves. Strings are bowed and plucked into oblivion. Everything is turned into a pile of reverb. Everyone is a ghost. Concern will shine a light on it all. "Truth & Distance" indeed. |
30.janvārī duets "Talbot" Rīgā |
[Jan. 6th, 2009|03:30 pm] |
30.janvāra vakarā, klubā Depo, savu līdz šim vienīgo koncertu Latvijā sniegs daudzsološā down-tempo / psychedelic grupa no Igaunijas – Talbot.
( Vairāk informācijas ) |