bc kolekcija |
[Nov. 28th, 2015|10:10 am] |
[Tags | | | ambient, apocalyptic, black metal, blackgaze, coldwave, cyberpunk, digital hardcore, doom, drone, dsbm, electronic, experimental, industrial, mathcore, metal, neofolk, post metal, post rock, post-black metal, psychedelic, ritual, space worship, synthwave, tribal, witch house | ] |
Pilns internets ar mūziku, bet nav ko klausīties? Man tā nekad nav
Privātā akcija «uzsauc pa aliņam mīļākajiem māksliniekiem» (jeb virspusējs/vispusīgs ieskats pēdējos pāris gados aktuālajā) p.s. te ir vēl kāds, kas iepērkas bandcampā? |
The Mount Fuji Doomjazz Corporation - Egor (2012) |
[Mar. 1st, 2012|01:03 pm] |

Viss tas, ko varētu gaidīt, dziļš, tumšs trans, aptrakusi vijole, apokaliptiski dārdi, aizpasauliskas gaudas (siev. dz., pārsvarā), pūšamie un viss pie tam šoreiz atkal ar bungām! Last.fm 02. Knock by the Stairs
118 MB, VBR 0
p.s. komūnā ir likts arī Anthropomorphic (2011), sk. tagus, bet, manuprāt, spēcīgākais albums, ar ko šis nīderlandiešu projekts būtu (ja būtu) jāiepazīst, ir 2009. gada Succubus... vai arī vnk jāiepazīst The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble, kas, kā jau nosaukums liek nojaust, ir biš vieglāk accessible nepieradinātai ausij
Æthenor - En Form For Blå (VHF Records; 2011) |
[Mar. 6th, 2011|12:45 am] |
The Mount Fuji Doomjazz Corporation - Anthropomorphic |
[Jan. 30th, 2011|08:48 pm] |

Hotfile | iFolder | Yandex (CBR 320)
Avot te viss ir kā pieklājas, man gan labāk patika, kad bija ar bungām (jā, bledd, bungu nebūs :( |
Bongripper - Satan Worshipping Doom (2010) |
[Jan. 22nd, 2011|08:45 pm] |

Diezgan kreptīgs. Galvenais, neviens nemēģina dziedāt.
1. Hail 2. Satan 3. Worship 4. Doom
320 KBPS, 122 MB |
Bassnectar IDJ Mix 2010 |
[Aug. 25th, 2010|06:18 pm] |
[Tags | | | audio, beats, doom, dub, dubz, ep, mix, mixtape, mp3, n3k4, nextmen, remix, robot, tracklist | ] |
Bassnectar combines sound and force with weight while spanning the spectrum of sonic style, covering every genre imaginable, and smashing it all into a collision of intense, wobbling basslines, hypnotic soundscapes, and pretty much anything that strikes his fancy. Bassnectar spans the spectrum of sonic style, fusing a number of genres. He calls the end product “omnitempo maximalism,” which, according to his website, means "no rules, no limitations." /Wikipedia/

UPD: papildinājums.
ja patīk, tad iekš filestube.com sameklē Bassnectar Timestretch un Bassnectar Cozza Frenzy LP - abi albūmi fkn labi! (nelieku tiešos linkus, jo tie nemitīgi mainās. ja gribat būt supercool, tad tos albumus var arī nopirkt no viņa weblapas.) puika ir spēks tik žēl, ka eiropā pagaidām neplāno ierasties. varat viņu piedraugot iekš facebook tādejādi esot up to date par jaunākiem venue un tā.
stay cool! |
Flegethon - Behind A Side Of Times (Satanarsa Records/Marche Funebre Productions; 2005) |
[Jan. 15th, 2010|04:55 pm] |
Dark Castle - Spirited Migration (37:07|64mb) |
[Sep. 30th, 2009|03:34 am] |
Florida’s sludge two-piece Dark Castle first appeared in 2008 with an elaborately packaged self-released demo (Flight of the Pegasus) that garned a good deal of favorable attention from the metal press and other bands (including Relapse Records’ Minsk). It is easy to see why this unsigned band turned so many heads, as there are several obvious elements that separate them from their peers. In an extreme rarity in metal genres, most of the guitar and vocal work is handled by a woman, Stevie Floyd. Also, the band has the distinction of having no bass player (nor bass in any of their recordings), which is strikingly ballsy in a genre that is so intimately associated with low-frequency amplifier worship.

1 Awake In Sleep (6:51) 2 Into The Past (5:34) 3 Spirited Migration (1:46) 4 Growing Slow (4:30) 5 Weather The Storm (3:25) 6 Flight Beyond (4:13) 7 Grasping The Awe (4:12) 8 A Depth Returns (6:32)
OM - God is Good |
[Sep. 21st, 2009|07:58 pm] |

jaunais doom/psychedelic ansambļa OM albums. velkams te. Priekā! |
Jesu - Infinity |
[Aug. 1st, 2009|11:20 pm] |

Jaunākais Jesu veikums. Kā viena 50-minūšu gara dziesma. ( Velkams šeit ) |
Electric Wizard |
[Mar. 12th, 2009|01:58 pm] |
ar shiem diviem albuumiem es ljoti gribu padaliities. leens un smags stouneris ar apbriinojami skaistu liriku. iipashu uzmaniibu pieveerst dziesmaam 'I, the Witchfinder', 'Return Trip, 'Funeralopolis' un 'Dopethrone'.
"Electric Wizard are a doom metal band from Dorset, England that formed in 1993. The band have since recorded six albums, two of which are now considered to be landmarks of their genre: Come My Fanatics... and Dopethrone. Electric Wizard have a distinct yet traditional doom metal sound that incorporates stoner and sludge traits, with lyrics typically involving the occult, witchcraft, H.P. Lovecraft, horror films and cannabis. During 2003, founding members Tim Bagshaw and Mark Greening left to form the band Ramesses, making Jus Oborn the only founding member who remains."
Come My Fanatics... (1997)

part1 part2
Dopethrone (2000)

part1 part2
kbps320, un te ir lirika |
SpiRitual - Pulse |
[Feb. 3rd, 2009|05:33 pm] |
Esmu tā kā biši parauta uz pasmagu mūziku ar pozitīvu vēstījumu. Protams, visvairāk jau vārdi dod nozīmi. Taču dažreiz izdzirdot dziesmu vien, nemaz neieklausoties vārdos man tā tik ļoti, ļoti, ļoti iepatīkas. SpiRitual ir abu šo apvienojums - burvīgs pozitīvisms, no dziesmām, kas uzreiz iepatikās. Man ļoti, ļoti iepatikās. Vēlos vienkārši padalīties, ja nu vēl kādam patiks. ;)

Var apskatīt video dziesmai Pulse te. Kāds ļautiņš par šo video izteicās, kam es varētu piekrist: First I thought: "default new-age-stuff", then I thought "Dead can Dance-ripoff", then I thought "default dark-metal", then I thought "default EBM", then it was over, I looked back on the whole thing and realized that it was one hell of a trip. Great stuff. |
30.janvārī duets "Talbot" Rīgā |
[Jan. 6th, 2009|03:30 pm] |
30.janvāra vakarā, klubā Depo, savu līdz šim vienīgo koncertu Latvijā sniegs daudzsološā down-tempo / psychedelic grupa no Igaunijas – Talbot.
( Vairāk informācijas ) |