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Evangelista - 'Prince Of Truth' [Apr. 18th, 2011|12:36 pm]

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Tikai klausīties:

Carlas Buzuličas 2009.g. lp uz Constellation.
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Cro-Magon - Plays (2009) [Sep. 29th, 2010|07:34 am]
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A killer concept from Cro-Magnon – a set that has the contemporary combo taking on a host of funky classics from years back! The style here is wonderfully laidback – lots of Fender Rhodes spun out with long, lean, easygoing lines – mixed with a bit of piano at points too, all in the chunky modes we’ve always loved in Cro-Magnon’s music – but almost even better here than before, given the classic twist! Wicked stuff that almost single-handedly revives the CTI generation – with tracks that include “Remind Me”, “Tell Me A Bedtime Story”, “Red Clay”, “If You Want Me To Stay”, “The Sweetest Taboo”,and “Dancer”. -(2


01. Red Clay (Freddie Hubbard)
02. Tell Me A Bedtime Story (Herbie Hancock)
03. If You Want Me To Stay (Sly & The Family Stone)
04. Remind Me (Patrice Rushen)
05. If You Want Me To Stay (Sly & The Family Stone
06. The Sweetest Taboo (Sade)
07. For Once In My Life (Stevie Wonder)
08. Dancer (Tatsuro Yamashita)


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Dir en Grey - Hageshisa to, Kono Mune no Naka de Karamitsuita Shakunetsu no Yami (13:03|27mb) [Dec. 3rd, 2009|01:16 am]

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es pat nezinu. jāklausās.
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Nile - Those Whom The Gods Detest (56:40|103mb) [Nov. 24th, 2009|10:47 pm]

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ja nu kādam vēl nav.
pārāk labs lai nedzirdētu.
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Converge - Axe To Fall (42:1058mb) [Oct. 7th, 2009|08:24 am]

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Whourkr - Concrete (38:33|60mb) [Sep. 30th, 2009|09:58 am]

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1 Mindgerb (1:58)  
2 Antzcrowzing (2:02)   
3 Bore Injektion (1:59)   
4 Santo (2:49)   
5 Skovsnails (2:36)   
6 Slaagt (2:49)   
7 Freugz (2:34)   
8 Squirk (4:02)   
9 Cera Pollutea (2:29)   
10 Gorowatz (2:13)  
11 Groovinbear (1:50) 
12 Tawakitawa (2:28)   
13 Fatrubber (4:43)   
14 Plantea (3:56)   
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Dark Castle - Spirited Migration (37:07|64mb) [Sep. 30th, 2009|03:34 am]

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Florida’s sludge two-piece Dark Castle first appeared in 2008 with an elaborately packaged self-released demo (Flight of the Pegasus) that garned a good deal of favorable attention from the metal press and other bands (including Relapse Records’ Minsk). It is easy to see why this unsigned band turned so many heads, as there are several obvious elements that separate them from their peers. In an extreme rarity in metal genres, most of the guitar and vocal work is handled by a woman, Stevie Floyd. Also, the band has the distinction of having no bass player (nor bass in any of their recordings), which is strikingly ballsy in a genre that is so intimately associated with low-frequency amplifier worship.

1 Awake In Sleep (6:51)
2 Into The Past (5:34)
3 Spirited Migration (1:46)
4 Growing Slow (4:30)
5 Weather The Storm (3:25)
6 Flight Beyond (4:13)
7 Grasping The Awe (4:12)
8 A Depth Returns (6:32)

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The Psyke Project - Dead Storm (52:18|79mb) [Sep. 30th, 2009|03:17 am]

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1 Fire Blizzards (4:20)     
2 Dead People Never Lie (4:49)  
3 Stockholm Bloodbath free download (6:19) 
4 Mile High Pillars (4:06) 
5 Polaris (6:18)
6 Forget The Forgotten (4:40)
7 Winter (4:47)
8 Storms Of The North (7:15)
9 Cursed With Care (3:33)
10 Utopia Is Not An Option (5:56)
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We Fell To Earth (2009) [Aug. 10th, 2009|05:38 pm]


- degustatio -
- consumptio -

... tālāk ... )
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Current 93 - Aleph at Hallucinatory Mountain (2009) [Apr. 19th, 2009|09:44 pm]

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Aleph at Hallucinatory Mountain is the long-awaited new album from Current 93 and their first album in three years, following on from their double-platinum-selling album Black Ships Ate the Sky, and is released on David Tibet's new label Coptic Cat... the most unique, most unpredictable and most powerful album yet from Current 93...

Most ne most, bet tik daudz distortētu ģitāru iekš neviena Tibetas Dāvja murgojuma vēl neesmu dzirdējes. Zagt var te vai te (jāiznāk tikai maijā, astoņpadsmitajā)
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Karl Sanders - Saurian Exorcisms (2009) [Apr. 18th, 2009|10:17 pm]

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Sen gaidītais NILE māstermainda Karla Sandersa otrais ēposs:

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