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[Dec. 22nd, 2012|01:44 pm]

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sveiciens svētkos. klausam, lādējam, dalamies.

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Pasaules Gaisma [Nov. 23rd, 2012|07:27 pm]

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Krievu torentos.
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Сердцедёр - Психический Рудимент (2011) [Sep. 10th, 2011|12:23 am]
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[music |Сердцедёр - Лемниската]

Pēdējos 20 gadus neko interesantu no Krievijas nebiju dzirdējis. Dziļi sirdī cerēju, ka tik milzīgā valstī ir jābūt arī kaut kam labam (kaut kam vairāk par visām tām 'krievu roka' grupām) un Сердцедёр ir atgriezis ne tikai ticību, bet arī norādījis uz citām mūsdienu normālajām krievu rokgrupām.
Šis Maskavas grupas (dibin. 2010) trešais izdevums ir ne tikai viņu labākais, bet šī gada labākais ieraksts (ko esmu dzirdējis).
Viņus parasti salīdzina ar The Fall un citām rietumu neordinārām psihodēliskajām grupām, bet man viņi raisa stipras asociācijas ar Ник Рок-н-Ролл un ... MSK.
Muzikāli tā ir pārdomāti netīra moderna psihodēlija. Harizmātiska, meditatīva, ekspresīva un ar savu saundu!
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Yuck - Yuck [2011] [Jan. 2nd, 2011|01:45 pm]
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un pirmais gaidītais albums no 2011 ir "iegūts" mazliet priekšlaicīgi.

Rubber (video)


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The Limiñanas – The Limiñanas (2010) [Nov. 26th, 2010|12:11 pm]

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Ultra-hip and scarily authentic Yeh-Yeh revivalism from Lionel and Marie Limiñanas. After their previous group – Las Bellas – disbanded, the duo have the struck out on their own, resuscitating a classic Velvet Underground sound with heavy infusions of Serge Gainsbourg cool and the anachronistic production values of Stereolab, resulting in a gobsmackingly vintage sound drenched in 60s echo and reverb. They’ve already had a couple of singles out this year, but this s/t LP is undoubtedly the place to cop their sound in full.

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Girls - Broken Dreams Club [EP][2010] [Nov. 9th, 2010|03:00 pm]
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divdesmit viens Raw lo-fi noise blackmetal ieraksts [Oct. 18th, 2010|10:42 am]

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How to Dress Well - Love Remains (2010) [Oct. 15th, 2010|01:19 am]

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Tom Krell leads a double life. During the day, he’s a research fellow currently translating a book of post-Kantian philosophy in Cologne, Germany. But after work he’s making narcotized, below-fi R&B as How to Dress Well. In October of last year, Krell started posting batches of his clouded tunes to his blog. They’re marked by his high voice, piercing and fragile like the rest of this music.

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Crocodiles - Sleep Forever [2010] [Oct. 6th, 2010|10:59 pm]
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Twin Shadow - Forget (2010) [Sep. 20th, 2010|03:34 pm]

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Phosphorescent - Here's To Taking It Easy (2010) [Sep. 16th, 2010|05:52 pm]

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Phosphorescent  is the solo project of Matthew Houck, an artist based in Brooklyn, New York. To date, Houck has released five full-length albums under the Phosphorescent moniker.

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Paavoharju - Yhä hämärää (2005) [Aug. 17th, 2010|03:38 pm]

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Nenormāli skaists psihodēliskais folks tāds kādam tam jābūt no skaistākajām ezeru zemes vietām. Mani parasti atbaida visi tie svešādi burtu savienojumi paa, puu, oll, huu un tml. somu nosaukumos, pat ja apzīmē kaut ko cēlu, bet šeit mūzika aizmēž visus aizspriedumus. (Es nezinu, ko nozīmē Paavoharju, bet izklausās pēc pāva spalvām, mūzika arī.) Vēl viņiem mājaslapā ir tāds "Good to know" sarakstiņš, tip par viņiem, kas īstenībā man likās galīgi Bad to know, tātad tomēr aizspriedumi ir un ir lieki, ja, neejiet, vai aizmirstiet par to uzreiz vispār

>> Paavoharju - Yhä hämärää (320 kbps, 74 MB)

Pagaršot: Syvyys ("Dziļums")
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tUnE-yArDs - Real Live Flesh [Aug. 3rd, 2010|04:33 pm]
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Artist: tUnE-yArDs
Track: Real Live Flesh (Bonus Track)
Album: BiRd-BrAiNs
Release: 19/11/2009
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zola jesus - stridulum ep 2010 [Jul. 1st, 2010|11:27 am]

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Kurt Vile - Square Shells EP [2010] [May. 26th, 2010|11:30 pm]
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Tika izlaists 25 maijā. Nezinu, kā jūs, bet pats pārāk bieži nemēdzu atrast tik  n o r m ā l u  mūziku.

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Toro Y Moi - Causers of This [2010] [May. 26th, 2010|07:27 pm]

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John Maus - Love Is Real [2007] [Apr. 19th, 2010|09:06 pm]

[music |john maus - do your best]

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The Magnetic Fields - Realism (2010) [Jan. 14th, 2010|02:00 am]
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[music |Everything Is One Big Christmas Tree]

Described by songwriter Stephin Merritt as "my folk album", the instrumentation of Realism is largely acoustic, stark in contrast to the band's previous album, Distortion, released in 2008. Merritt said he "thought of the two records as a pair" and considered titling the albums True and False; ultimately, he couldn't decide which title would correspond with which album. The song "The Dada Polka" is the only track to utilize an electric guitar. Merritt also avoided using a traditional drum kit, further separating the sound of Realism from the noise pop of Distortion. Along with Distortion and the 2004 album i, Realism was also recorded without the use of synthesizers, completing the band's "no-synth trilogy".

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Girls - Album (2009) [Nov. 28th, 2009|05:27 pm]
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[music |Lust For Life]

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Washed out [Nov. 14th, 2009|04:24 pm]
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[mood |Feel It All Around]
[music |]

Washed Out is Ernest Greene, a young guy from Georgia (via South Carolina) who makes bedroom synthpop that sounds blurred and woozily evocative, like someone smeared Vaseline all over an early OMD demo tape, then stayed up all night trying to recreate what they heard.


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Yoñlu - A Society In Which No Tear Is Shed Is Inconceivably Mediocre [2009] [Sep. 23rd, 2009|08:12 pm]

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Kāds varbūt palaidis garām šo bezgalīgi sirsnīgo, tieši tikpat skumjo albumu no viena brazīļu puikas Yoñlu. Plate ar pilno nosaukumu A Society In Which No Tear Is Shed Is Inconceivably Mediocre pilnā mērā ir kādas viņsaules dvēseles veltījums šīnī saulē palikušajiem.

Būdams tikko 17 gadus vecs, Yoñlu (īstajā vārdā Vinicius Gageiro Marques) labprātīgi aizgāja no dzīves. Pēc puiša nāves vecāki datorā uzgāja dziesmu demoversijas, kas masterētā formā atrodamas arī albumā. Kopā sakausētais eksperimentālais folks, bītliskas popdziesmas, skumjas balādes portugāliski, hiphops & Lo-Fi elektronika, brīnumainā veidā rada pat ļoti vienotu & oriģinālu skanējumu.

 A Society In Which No Tear Is Shed Is Inconceivably Mediocre

P.S. Runājot par COIL, somu death-metālistiem & košuma mīlētājiem: diemžēl disks ir tikai vienā diezgan skumīgā variantā & krāsā 
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Karl Blau - Nature's Got Away [Nov. 20th, 2008|12:11 am]

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jaunākais karl blau (the microphones cīņu biedrs) albums. garāžīgs un visādi citādi foršs.
klausāms te aber velkams te.

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Xploding Plastix-Treated timber resists rot-(Beatservice)-2008-JUST [Sep. 27th, 2008|03:29 pm]
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Artist : Xploding Plastix
Album : Treated timber resists rot
Label : Beatservice
Genre : Lo-Fi

Catnr : BS111CD
Source : CDDA
Size: 89,7 MB
Quality : VBR/44,1Hz/Joint-Stereo
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