[Feb. 18th, 2025|10:31 am] |
Ja vienīgā izvēle, kur iegūt iztikas līdzekļus būtu darbs siltumnīcā vai kūtī. Ko tu izvēlētos? |
Gaļas industrijas sponsorēts pētījums izdara secinājumu. |
[Feb. 14th, 2025|08:04 pm] |
"Isonitrogenous meals containing a moderate serving of total protein from foods providing complete, complementary, or incomplete essential amino acid profiles do not differentially stimulate muscle protein synthesis after a meal and daily."
WWC received funding for research grants, travel or honoraria for scientific presentations, or consulting services from the following organizations: The Beef Checkoff, Pork Checkoff, North Dakota Beef Commission, Barilla Group, Mushroom Council, National Chicken Council, Foundation for Meat and Poultry Research and Education, and American Egg Board’s Egg Nutrition Center.
Turpināšu vien izklaidi, pie jautājumiem par olbaltumvielam un kur tās dabūt, atkārtot, ka visi augi satur visas neaizvietojamās aminoskābes. Man personīgi viens no jautrākajiem pētījumiem pēdējā laikā par attiecīgo tēmu (olbaltumvielas). |
Ēd desiņu un iegūsti kognitīvo spēju zudumu un demenci. |
[Jan. 16th, 2025|12:05 pm] |
People who eat more red meat, especially processed red meat like bacon, sausage and bologna, are more likely to have a higher risk of cognitive decline and dementia when compared to those who eat very little red meat, according to a new study of 133,771 people followed up to 43 years.
Higher intake of red meat, particularly processed red meat, was associated with a higher risk of developing dementia and worse cognition. Reducing red meat consumption could be included in dietary guidelines to promote cognitive health. Further research is needed to assess the generalizability of these findings to populations with diverse ethnic backgrounds.
Bonuss. Ēd augus un iegūsti pretēju efektu. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32297555/ |
Biloģija. 10. klase. Trofiskie līmeņi. |
[Jan. 13th, 2025|06:36 pm] |
[Jan. 10th, 2025|03:19 pm] |
Ķirbju biezzupa noteikti ir pati skaistākā zupa. Un izcili garšīga. |
Omnivore, vegan and vegetarian diet quality associations with depressive symptoms. |
[Jan. 9th, 2025|06:36 pm] |
A nine-year study of about 10,000 women found no significant link between diet type (plant-based or omnivore) and depressive symptoms. However, diet quality (fresh versus processed foods) had a correlation, with higher-quality diets reducing depressive symptoms.
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0165032724018196?via%3Dihub |
[Dec. 24th, 2024|06:20 pm] |
Tikko kārtīgi paēdu. Lēcas ar tofu. Pāris saujiņas sēklu un riekstu. Tomāti un skābēti gurķi. Intereses pēc parēķināju, ka sanāca apmēram 100g olbaltumvielu un 1200kcal. |
Atnāca atklāsme. |
[Dec. 16th, 2024|04:04 pm] |
Krietnu brīdi nevarēju beigt brīnīties par to, ka pārtikas tehnologi par visām varitēm cenšas visur un visam pievienot vājpiena sūkalu pulveri. Čipšiem, piparkūkām, cepumiem, šokolādei utt utjp Un tad es sapratu. Tiek ražots neprātīgi milzīgs daudzums dažādu piena produktu - siers, biezpiens, sviests, jogurti utt utjp. Ražošanas procesā rodas milzīgs daudzums blakusprodukta jeb vājpiena sūkalas. Lūk arī atbilde, nekā personīga, prasts bizness. Kaut kā tak tas sūds ir jāiedabū nabaga patērētājā. Izcils risinājums kā appošļīt pēc iespējas vairāk pārtikas produktu ar strutu sekrēta ekstraktu. |
Dienas oksimorons. |
[Dec. 5th, 2024|04:03 pm] |
Idejiskais vegāns.
Jā, viss ir tieši tik vienkārši - cilvēks lieto (nav vegāns) vai nelieto (ir vegāns) dzīvnieku izcelsmes produktus.
Bonusam vēl viens oksimorons - karojošais vegāns. Ceru, ka šim paskaidrojumu nevajag. |
Dienas citāts. |
[Dec. 5th, 2024|12:33 pm] |
"As long as there are slaughterhouses there will be battlefields." |
Eds ir dievīgs. |
[Nov. 27th, 2024|09:09 pm] |
Sarkasma paraugstunda un pārītis "ģeniālu" apgalvojumu. uzmaniespropaganda |
Somija, lets go! |
[Nov. 21st, 2024|01:11 pm] |
Finland's updated dietary guidelines recommend significantly reducing the consumption of processed meats, such as cold cuts and sausages, to mitigate health risks like colon cancer. Instead, the guidelines emphasise the importance of a plant-based diet that includes 500 to 800 grams of fruits and vegetables daily. Meat companies Atria and Snellman responded cautiously, stating that consumer choice remains essential and that they have no immediate plans to change their products. They acknowledged that the recommendations might significantly impact public sector catering more than individual eating habits, with broader changes expected in the long term. |
Par saprātīgām būtnēm runājot. |
[Nov. 16th, 2024|12:41 pm] |
Animal sentience is often thought of as a complex, poorly defined, subjective, and abstract concept, raising as many questions as it does answers. If you talk to different people about their views on animal sentience you will undoubtedly get various responses. If you asked a pet owner whether animals have feelings, they would regale you with stories of when their dog comforts them, or is proud of himself when he opens a closed door. A farmer who works closely with his or her animals may tell you about how cow number 19 likes being tickled behind her ears, and how cow number 25 is the shy and cautious one. But then you may talk to someone who sees animals only in terms of their monetary value. Animals to such people are not living, sentient beings, they represent commodities. It is far easier for them to see animals in this way but far less convenient for them to consider their ability to suffer or their need to experience positive emotions like pleasure. How people perceive animals is never black and white, attitudes may depend on the species in question, and the animals perceived mental ability [47]. However, when you consider how we treat the animals we farm for food, experiment upon, or use for entertainment, you can clearly see how important these perspectives are, and which the dominant ones are.
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168159106001110 |
[Nov. 16th, 2024|09:43 am] |