resort ([info]resort) rakstīja,
@ 2021-07-22 17:26:00

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2021-07-22 19:01 (saite)
There is a crowd of NGO,, and types that would be mortified if anyone thought they weren't too bright.

Currently, they are busy ignoring a whole wealth of data and non-approved opinions in order to put their full support behind a new top-down apartheid system involving industrial pharmaceutical management of the population. It is a little tricky as they will have to transition from being a nice person to - well basically a fascist, but with the help of the media and all their nice friends, they will manage okay.

For me, it is all about the covid passes. I have known about it for ages, but it was confirmed when I was informed that my naturally acquired antibodies didn't count. I needed an injection.

I bet hardly any of them even know about memory T-cells. They have no genuine curiosity - not a scintilla of scepticism. They are essentially plankton: their social relations being the water and their one-sided source of information, the sun.

They are ready to submit to invasive medical interventions they don't need in order to participate in their society. If you read the Great Reset - which they won't have done - 'they' refers to Shwabs 'we', which are the biggest corporate and banking institutions on the planet.

But they are so parochial, they think my kind of attitude to this kind of information comes from the Kremlin.

They are beyond contempt.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Diskusija)

Re: Rant
2021-07-24 11:50 (saite)
At the same time they complain about being "dehumanized" by likes of rude Gnidrologist, who's emitting coarse stuff about their behavior, but they themselves have zero self awareness of nasty dehumanizing shit they ascribe to their ideological enemies. For you see, they are on the right side of history therefore can do no wrong.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais)

Re: Rant
2021-07-25 05:15 (saite)
Hey, this is irrelevant to the thread, but since you've disabled commenting for non-users at your ciba, here's what I'd like to say regarding your last post.
What exactly is your surprise of the amount of infected vaccinated ppl exceeding that of unvaccinated in a country where the overwhelming majority are vaccinated? What you should compare is the percentage of infected among vaccinated to percentage of infected among unvaccinated. If this number for the vaccinated would exceed that for the unvaccinated then yes, that is shocking news, but as it is, it's probably like 10 times lower (very ballpark guesstimate, too lazy to look it up). Maaan, it's like grade 3 math (or whenever they teach how to calculate percents).

Also, learn how to trim your links off the facebook tracing junk part) ( ;)

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

Re: Rant
2021-07-25 09:41 (saite)
"Note that 68% of the population has had at least one vaccine dose"

sapisies matemātikā ar to 10x

div pret trīs ir tas pats order of magnitude. rupji varam pieņemt, ka lietas vaksos un parastajos ir 1:1

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

Re: Rant
2021-07-25 10:17 (saite)
Nu cik tad viņiem ir procentos saslimstība starp vakcinētajiem un nevakcinētajiem? Ja 68% ir vakcinēti, 32 nevakcinēti, un vakcinēto un nevakcinēto saslimstības absolūto skaitļu krustošanās brīdī tās ir 2 ar mazu astīti reizes. Man kkā likās, ka viņiem tur 80..90% savakcinējušies, lūk tad jau būtu tuvu tām 10 reizēm.
Bet ja tu paskatītos uz smagajiem saslimstības gadījumiem, vot tur čista būtu atšķirība par pāris orders of magnitude, ne tā?

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

Re: Rant
2021-07-25 11:18 (saite)
baumās balstīts personīgais viedoklis - potētiem mazāk smagi saslimušo nevis uz vieglākas formas rēķina, bet uz ar vakcīnu nesaistītas pāragras nāves rēķina

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais)

Re: Rant
2021-07-25 12:23 (saite)
I wasn't too lazy, and I can tell you it isn't 10x. The rate of positive tests among the vaccinated is currently about 65% of the unvaccinated. You can check my figures as I did on the back of a piece of paper.

Which isn't much (the difference), and ought to have us asking more questions about the risk-benefit ratio, which we would do if we lived in a normal society.

However, for me, the most interesting aspect is the direction of the rates. Among the unvaccinated, it is dropping naturally; however, among the vaccinated it is rising sharply.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais)

Re: Rant
2021-07-25 10:12 (saite)
Care to elaborate what do you mean by "industrial pharmaceutical management of the population" and why such management would be beneficial for (((them)))?
And how your naturally acquired antibodies didn't count? afaik you are eligible for covid pass when you are izslimojis within a few months after, am I off?

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

Re: Rant
2021-07-25 10:53 (saite)
what if you are izslimojis mājas apstākļos tuvu asimptomātiskam? kā pierādīt? skriet ar katru puņķi testēties?

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais)

Re: Rant
2021-07-25 12:31 (saite)
I was told that any natural acquired antibodies I might have would not be deemed sufficient reason to get a Covid-pass. They told me that at the lab, and I had it confirmed later that this is the situation.

You get 6 months after a positive test - for now - and then, as far as I am aware, you will need to get vaccinated.

As for the 'care to elaborate', before I indulge you, I would like to check one thing: are you serious?

If you are, I will put together a reasonably serious point-by-point elaboration. It won't be today as I have to build a chicken coop, or tomorrow as I have to work, but it might be Tuesday.

So let me know.

By the way, are you inferring I am antisemitic because I am against these medical interventions being mandatory? I gather that is what the (((...))) means. But let me know.

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