There is a crowd of NGO, Ir.lv, and LSM.lv types that would be mortified if anyone thought they weren't too bright.
Currently, they are busy ignoring a whole wealth of data and non-approved opinions in order to put their full support behind a new top-down apartheid system involving industrial pharmaceutical management of the population. It is a little tricky as they will have to transition from being a nice person to - well basically a fascist, but with the help of the media and all their nice friends, they will manage okay.
For me, it is all about the covid passes. I have known about it for ages, but it was confirmed when I was informed that my naturally acquired antibodies didn't count. I needed an injection.
I bet hardly any of them even know about memory T-cells. They have no genuine curiosity - not a scintilla of scepticism. They are essentially plankton: their social relations being the water and their one-sided source of information, the sun.
They are ready to submit to invasive medical interventions they don't need in order to participate in their society. If you read the Great Reset - which they won't have done - 'they' refers to Shwabs 'we', which are the biggest corporate and banking institutions on the planet.
But they are so parochial, they think my kind of attitude to this kind of information comes from the Kremlin.
They are beyond contempt.
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