resort ([info]resort) rakstīja,
@ 2021-07-22 17:26:00

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Re: Rant
2021-07-25 10:12 (saite)
Care to elaborate what do you mean by "industrial pharmaceutical management of the population" and why such management would be beneficial for (((them)))?
And how your naturally acquired antibodies didn't count? afaik you are eligible for covid pass when you are izslimojis within a few months after, am I off?

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

Re: Rant
2021-07-25 10:53 (saite)
what if you are izslimojis mājas apstākļos tuvu asimptomātiskam? kā pierādīt? skriet ar katru puņķi testēties?

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais)

Re: Rant
2021-07-25 12:31 (saite)
I was told that any natural acquired antibodies I might have would not be deemed sufficient reason to get a Covid-pass. They told me that at the lab, and I had it confirmed later that this is the situation.

You get 6 months after a positive test - for now - and then, as far as I am aware, you will need to get vaccinated.

As for the 'care to elaborate', before I indulge you, I would like to check one thing: are you serious?

If you are, I will put together a reasonably serious point-by-point elaboration. It won't be today as I have to build a chicken coop, or tomorrow as I have to work, but it might be Tuesday.

So let me know.

By the way, are you inferring I am antisemitic because I am against these medical interventions being mandatory? I gather that is what the (((...))) means. But let me know.

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