- KŽ 13
- 6/15/12 12:13 pm
Briestu festivālam, klausoties mūslaiku lieliskāko pagānfolkmetāla grupu pasaulē. Man ir dažādi argumenti, kāpēc vieta dzelzs tronī pienākas tieši viņiem (viņai), kurus nevaicāts neklāstīšu, lai manā vietā runā mūzika/Mašas daiļā mute. Šeit visi (laikam) Arkonas oficiālie videoklipi, vairāk vai mazāk subjektīvā krutuma secībā:
Славься, Русь!
Гой, Роде, Гой!
Стенка на Стенку
Покровы небесного старца
Лики бессмертных Богов
Incidentally, aizaizvakar bija Jaromarsburgas Sv-dieva tempļa sagraušanas 844. gadadiena
Music: Аркона
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- Ásatrú
- 3/24/12 10:17 am
Aizvakar internetā netīšām uzdūros senai Current 93 bildei, kurā bez visiem zināmajiem Deivida Tē, Duglasa Pē un Rozas Makdē redzama arī jauna (īstenībā >30-gadīga, bet labi saglabājusies :) Freja Asvina, un biju pārsteigts (patīkami) par to, kā viņas agrīnais tēls kontrastē ar pēcāk radīto Ziemeļu mistēriju augstās priesterienes iespaidu (par savu rūnu interpretāciju varu pateikties galvenokārt viņai – man ir viena viņas grāmata un pirms gadiem 10 bija arī cdr ar Songs of Yggdrasil, ja nemaldos, no C93 presents sērijas). Laimīgā kārtā Frigas netīmeklī ziņas par viņu ir atrodamas krietni vairāk nekā, piemēram, par Mother Destruction Amodalī (acīmredzot, lai tevi tik ātri neaizmirstu, jāsaraksta un jāizdod pāris grāmatas), ar kuras Sixth Comm Frejai arī bijusi vesela pilnmetrāžas sadarbība par to pašu pasaules koka tēmu, bet šī 1993. intervija (saite zem bildes) man likās īpaši izsmeļoša. Dalos, jo interesanti
I have some runes in my hands. I have got an Odal rune and an Ansuz rune clearly marked in my hand. And that is the main mark I consider as Odin marked me. The other one is an inherited defect in the right eye. I have had five eye operations to correct it. And the other synchronicity is the date of my birth, which is completely Odinic. It is Wednesday, the ninth, November, "Nove" is nine in Latin, in the old Anglo Saxon ways it was the Blotmonath, the month in which the blood sacrifices were performed. And of course in the sign of Scorpio, which is Odinic in itself. And I was the ninth child out of the fourteenth. This altogether I found out when I first started exploring Asatru. As a woman, as a Wiccan woman, I should be more in touch with Goddesses. But no, it did not work out that way. It was Odin, and it always will be Odin. He has marked me. I am his.
Wicca is too much centered around sexual attractions and fertility magic. I could not accept that. So, at that day, after I had had a massive row with me husband, I broke with Wicca the same evening, emotionally I made a break, I went down to the basement. I rolled out my blanket, the way the Red Indians do. I went down to the basement and started calling on Wodan. The whole night I started calling on Wodan. My own God. My own ancestry. My own blood. Me own bones. Fuck Wicca! Fuck them! Bugger the lot of them. Wodan! Wodan!! Wodan!!! It was then that I made the contact. A week later I had made a Valknut ring, for me especially. And I did a blot. And I swore my allegiance to Odin forever. And I have been true until now, and I will always be true. That is how I met Odin. That is how I made the contact with Odin as my personal guardian and Allfather.
Music: Orphx
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