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[19 Dec 2024|10:51pm]
Eiropieši esot noguldījuši bankās 14T un negribot taisīt VC kā amerikāņi dara. Nu tā nauda jau nestāv bankās. Bankas jau tālāk pērk vai nu valdības parādzīmes (labi?), izsniedz kredītkartes (labi?) vai hipotēkas (ļoti labi? cilvēkiem vajag telpu un, ja sistēma nodrošina, ka NĪ cenas pastāvīgi aug ātrāk par inflāciju, tad tur ir kāds ākis?).

Bet Dragi, Lagarde un Leijena snaikstās pēc šīs eiropiešu naudas. Un tad nu top šis:

Europe’s economic apocalypse is now
Stagnation, flagging competitiveness, Donald Trump. The continent is facing "an existential challenge."

That means European capitals, already struggling to rein in surging deficits amid dwindling tax revenue, will face even greater financial strains, which could trigger further political and social upheaval.

Recessions and trade wars may come and go, but what makes this juncture so perilous for the continent’s prosperity has to do with the biggest inconvenient truth of all: the EU has become an innovation desert.
Once synonymous with cutting-edge automotive technology, Europe today doesn’t have a single entry among the 15 bestselling electric vehicles.
If Europe remains on its current trajectory, its future will also be Italian: that of a decaying, if beautiful, debt-ridden, open-air museum for American and Chinese tourists.
“We are living through a period of rapid technological change, driven in particular by advances in digital innovation and unlike in the past, Europe is no longer at the forefront of progress,” European Central Bank (ECB) President Christine Lagarde said in November.

Speaking at the medieval Collège des Bernardins in Paris, Lagarde warned that Europe’s vaunted social model would be at risk if it doesn’t change course quickly.

“Otherwise, we will not be able to generate the wealth we will need to meet our rising spending needs to ensure our security, combat climate change and protect the environment,” she said.

Draghi, who presented his report to the European Commission in September, was more blunt: “This is an existential challenge.”
If Europe had a more solid economic foundation and were more competitive with the U.S., Trump would have little leverage over the continent.

The degree to which Europe has lost ground to the U.S. in terms of economic competitiveness since the turn of century is breathtaking. The gap in GDP per capita, for example, has doubled by some metrics to 30 percent, due mainly to lower productivity growth in the EU.
Put simply, Europeans don’t work enough. An average German employee, for example, works more than 20 percent fewer hours than their American counterparts.

A further cause of Europe’s sagging productivity is the corporate sector’s failure to innovate.

U.S. tech companies, for example, spend more than twice what European tech firms do on research and development, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). While the U.S. companies have seen a 40 percent jump in productivity since 2005, productivity in European tech has stagnated.

That gap is also apparent in the stock market: While U.S. stock market valuations have more than tripled since 2005, Europe’s have risen by just 60 percent.

“Europe is falling behind in emerging technologies that will drive future growth,” Lagarde said in her Paris speech.

That’s an understatement. Europe isn’t just falling behind, it’s not really even in the race.
A quarter of a century later, Europe has not only failed to achieve its goal, but it’s fallen well behind both the U.S. and China.

Europe never even achieved its aim to spend 3 percent of the bloc’s GDP on R&D, the main driver of economic innovation. In fact, spending on such research by European companies and the public sector remains pegged at about 2 percent, about where it was in 2000.

Europe’s universities would be a natural place to jump-start innovation and research, but here too the continent is an also-ran.

Of the top global universities reviewed by Times Higher Education, only one EU institution ranked in the top 30 — Munich’s Technical University — and it was tied for 30th place.

Europe’s investment in R&D “is not just too little, but a substantial amount is flowing into the wrong areas,” Ifo’s Fuest said.
That’s where Germany comes in. The dirty little secret of European R&D spending is that half of it comes from Germany. And most of that investment flows into one sector: automotive.

While that might seem obvious given the sector’s size (the German auto industry’s annual revenue is nearly half a trillion euros), it’s not where you can get the most bang for your buck (or euro). That’s because innovations in the auto sector, such as improving an engine’s fuel efficiency, are incremental.

In other words, the companies are literally reinventing the wheel, instead of whole new products, like an iPhone or Instagram, that would create a whole new market.
If nothing else, Europe has been quite consistent. In 2003, the top corporate investors in R&D in the EU were Mercedes, VW and Siemens, the German engineering giant. In 2022, they were Mercedes, VW and Bosch, the German car parts-maker.

Overall, putting all Europe’s eggs in one basket worked out pretty well … until it didn’t. Though Europe accounts for more than 40 percent of global R&D spending in the automotive sector, Germany’s vaunted carmakers somehow managed to miss the boat on electric vehicles.

That failure is at the core of Germany’s economic malaise, as evidenced by VW’s recent announcement that it would shutter some German plants for the first time in its history. Germany’s auto sector, which employs about 800,000 domestically, has been the lifeblood of its economy for decades, contributing more than any other sector to the country’s growth.
What makes the crisis in Germany’s car industry so intractable for Europe is that the continent has nothing else to fall back on.

Here too, the contrast with the U.S. is stark.

In 2003, the biggest corporate spenders on R&D in the U.S. were Ford, Pfizer and General Motors. Two decades later, it’s Amazon, Alphabet (Google) and Meta (Facebook).
Given how dominant those players and the rest of Silicon Valley are in the tech world, it’s difficult to see how European tech could ever play in the same league, much less catch up.

One reason is money. U.S. startups are generally funded through venture capital. But the pool of venture capital in Europe is a fraction of what it is in the U.S. In the past decade alone, U.S. venture capital firms raised $800 billion more than their European competitors, according to the IMF.

Instead of investing their money in the future, Europeans prefer to leave it in cash at the bank, where about €14 trillion worth of Europeans’ savings are being slowly eaten away by inflation.
“Europe’s shallow pools of venture capital are starving innovative startups of investment and making it harder to boost economic growth and living standards,” a team of IMF analysts concluded in a recent analysis.

So if cars and IT are out, the EU could just lean on the 19th-century technologies in which it’s always excelled like machinery and trains, right?

Unfortunately, this is where the Chinese come in.
If only. Draghi’s report got about a day’s worth of coverage in the continent’s major media outlets and then was quickly forgotten. Similarly, the perpetual ringing of alarm bells by the IMF and ECB falls on deaf ears.

That’s likely because Europeans aren’t really feeling any pain — not yet anyway.

While the EU might account for an ever-dwindling share of the world’s GDP, it leads all the global tables when it comes to the generosity of its members’ welfare systems.
The likely result is a radicalization of politics, as Greece experienced during its debt crisis, as populists on the far right and left seize the opportunity to attack the establishment.

That radicalization is already underway in a number of countries, most worryingly in France. The success of the fringe is all the more disquieting when considering that the worst of the economic pain is likely yet to come.

The trouble is, by the time Europeans wake up to their new reality, it may be too late to do much about it.
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[19 Dec 2024|06:30pm]

... tālāk ... )
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[19 Dec 2024|04:22pm]

Ik pa laikam arvien gribas kaut ko ierakstiit, not to feel lonely in my thoughts. Bet tad uzreiz praats burkshkj "Nav ko shitaadas voblas gvelzt!"

Taa it kaa visi teikumi buutu kjeceriibas un maanjticiigi apdraudeejumi. Tas it kaa Visums uzreiz atbildeetu "Taa ja? Tu tam tiesham tici? Ok tad es tev paraadiishu siikaa lose."

I'm just really scared of God all the time, or rather that force prompts one to transcend lies.
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decembris [19 Dec 2024|01:26pm]

[ mood | vispār slikti ]
[ music | kkāds radio birojā ]

jā -

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apsveicu visus, kuriem tas ko izsaka [19 Dec 2024|12:11pm]

finanšu gads ir beidzies, jaunais vēl nav sācies - bambulērijs!!!!!!

ai ai ai bambuleiro, ai bambuleira - porque mi vida yo ....
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Ārste nesen pateica, ka esmu ļoti iekšupvērsts [19 Dec 2024|01:18am]

Tas ir palicis atmiņā.

Tik tiešām - es visu laiku zemapziņā domāju par savu komfortu.

Man bieži ir par aukstu vai karstu.
Es ēdu apmēram sešreiz dienā mazas maltītes. Varianta paēst vieglas brokastis un milzīgas vakariņas nav.

Man traucē fona troksnis, intensīvas smaržas, mirguļojošas lampas, traucē sajūta, ja apkārt ir liels juceklis, piemēram, kafejnīca lielveikalā.

Man gribas klusumu vienmēr.

Ja kāds atsakās izslēgt savu telefonu manā klātbūtnē, es parasti eju vienkārši prom un piedāvāju tikties, kad tam cilvēkam ir 100% brīvs.

Es daudz komunicēju neverbāli ar mīmiku, žestiem, stāju, pozu, balss tembra maiņām.

Es ļoti daudz domāju par to, vai nokļūt līdz punktam A man būs droši un komfortabli. Tāpat arī mājās. Man vienmēr ir nauda taksometram.

Es esmu ļoti jūtīgs, jutīgs un es uztveru vismazāko noskaņojuma maiņu sarunbiedrā, atmosfēras maiņu.

Es jūtu, pie kā telpā ir visu tajā esošo uzmanība.

Es lasu telpu, saprotot, kuram tur gribas atrasties, kurš ir pienākuma pēc, kurš gribētu iet prom un garlaikojas.

Ar cilvēkiem, kuri nespēj iedziļināties, atpūsties un atbrīvoties, kuri nespēj nosēdēt mierā, kuriem vajag, lai visu laiku kaut kas notiek,
es nekomunicēju ikdienā praktiski nemaz.


Ja tā padomā, tas viss ir normāli, normas robežās. Taču vēl ārste teica, ka būt iekšupvērstam cilvēkam ir ļoti sievišķīgi.

Varētu domāt, ka vīrieši prot darīt tikai vienu lietu vienlaicīgi, taču prot to darīt tā, ka viņus nekas nespēj traucēt.

Tā kā par manu labsajūtu gādāju tikai es pats, un man vajag ļoti daudz, lai es justos uz 90% ideāli publiskā telpā,
tad sanāk, ka ikdienā visu laiku ir jāplāno. Ko paņemt somā - silto veļu, uzkodas. Kur ieiet sasildīties pilsētas centrā.

Kur pilsētas centrā ir tualetes, kurās ir ļoti labi, Rietumeiropai atbilstoši higiēnas un tīrības apstākļi.

Kur ir kāds draugs/paziņa, pie kā ieiet uz tēju, ja sanāk palikt citā pilsētā ilgāk, un autobuss ir divreiz dienā.


Šis viss ir saistīts ar manu ķermenisko pieredzi. Palūgt ķermeni, kuram nesalst, negribas ēst, kurš neiztrūkstas no kodīgām smaržām desmit metru attālumā, pagaidām neprotu.

Vai tas vien nozīmē, ka visu mūžu būšu ļoti sievišķīgs cilvēks?

Ja man komfortam vajag daudz vairāk nekā daudzām manām draudzenēm, kuras spēj, gulējušas četras stundas, vadīt auto, spēj pieņemt atbildīgus lēmumus tukšā dūšā, ieraujot kafiju,
vai tas nozīmē, ka viņas ir vīrišķīgākas par mani?

Ko tā ārste ar to visu gribēja pateikt? Sievietes ķermeniskā pieredze ir viņas vērtība.
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[18 Dec 2024|10:40pm]
Vēl citās Masks ir par semaglutīdu zālēm, bet Kenedijs - par dzīvesveidu, lai gan ir nelaimīgie, no kuriem tas prasa necilvēcīgus spēkus un zaudējumus. Labi, ka Kenedijs pamazām piekāpjas, tas jau Tramps arī varētu rīkoties. Kenedija ideja par 3 veselīgām maltītēm katram amerikānim ir OK, taču peļņas vs vajadzību ekonomikas pasaulē tas nestrādā.
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[18 Dec 2024|10:31pm]
Kaut ko nesaprotu. 30x pilnā genoma sekvenēšana maksā 300$, 100x - 1000$, klīniskā kvalitāte. Šī nu bija jādara katram klīnisko testu pacientam ar tai sekojošu sistēmbioloģijas modelēšanu, kas skaidrotu kāpēc pacientam tests ir veiksmīgs vai izgāžas. Datu taču! Bet nē. Nedz klīniskie testi to dara, nedz zālēm ir noteikts gēnu profils, kas ļautu paredzēt zinātniski, vai darbosies vai nē. Tā vietā melnā maģija, loterija. Pat pusmiljonu vērtām zālēm tas nav izdarīts un piedāvā 80/20 varbūtību. Tas taču ir murgs. Bendē džeku nost un dedzina naudu. It kā precīzijas medicīnas laikmetā?

Citās ziņās tā ja, nodzīvojušies. Rietumu farmācijas giganti pērk ĶTR uzņēmumu atklāti zāļu kandidātu licences. Šoreiz semaglutīdu saimei.
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national socialism for me, but not for thee [18 Dec 2024|07:50pm]

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[18 Dec 2024|01:02pm]

[ music | Orbital - Bath Time ]

3 lols )

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[18 Dec 2024|10:01am]

Interesanta eseja par hibernāciju.

Did our ancestors use hibernation to survive through the winter when it was cold outside or food supplies dwindled? Or is the entire notion of hibernation related to winter misconstrued, and we need a new and fresh perspective? As we know, there are tropical lemurs that can hibernate at high body temperatures, which suggests that being related to winter is a contingent and unimportant feature of a much broader phenomenon than the name suggests. Scientists now agree that animals hibernate not only to save energy or overwinter cold seasons, but as a way to deal with other environmental calamities. This may include wildfires, heatwaves, storms and perhaps even natural disasters on a cosmic scale, such as the meteorite collisions with Earth that wiped out the dinosaurs but spared small primitive mammals that could well have survived thanks to their gift of hibernating.


For example – what is the relationship between hibernation and sleep? Recent research in several hibernating species reveals that animals often enter the state of hibernation via sleep, as if sleep were the gateway to the state of hibernation, being the first step towards hypometabolism. Where does sleep end and hibernation begin? That’s not an easy question to answer definitively. The relationship between torpor and sleep remains poorly understood and at best confusing, not least because of a lack of clearly defined concepts in this area.

Hibernating animals appear to be sleeping, yet we define sleep using explicitly brain- and behaviour-centric criteria, such as immobility, an elevated arousal threshold and characteristic brainwaves, while hibernation and torpor are defined based on metabolic criteria. Perhaps sleep has evolved from more ‘primitive’ hypometabolic states, and the animal that goes from sleep to hibernation recapitulates that evolution in reverse? Can we perhaps even view sleep as an aborted form of hibernation, emerging when our ancestors learned to apply the break at the right moment, to remain in control of the bodily state rather than plunging into torpidity?


Beigās ir izteikts minējums, ka varbūt cilvēku suga vienmēr ir zinājusi kā hibernēties un tas tiks darīts mirklī, kad citas izejas vairs nebūs.
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[18 Dec 2024|11:26am]


Lidojam ar airbaltic pirmo reizi nemot lidzi ari kalnu sleposanas ekipejumu. Man tas slepes un zabaki savas somas vel kautka ipasji ir jaasapako, lai otra gala sanemtu nesalauztas un nesaskrapetas? Slepju soma aplam plana - tiit salles apkart, vai ka?

Lidz sim ar auto sleposhanas inventars vests, pilnigi jauna pieredze sogad planota
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diemžēl populārs nenozīmē gudrs, sportisks, kā izrādās, nenozīmē vesels [18 Dec 2024|07:53am]

vienā dienā aiziet kaut kāds tims ar garīgām problēmām un aigars

abi sportoja ka krakšķ aiz ausīm

kādam pat maksāja, par to, ka šamais sporto
kā rezultātā divi žmuriki

aiz ko secinājums, jādara, tā, lai labi pašam nevis kaut kādiem cipariem - dakter, kad daru tā, man sāp - nu nedariet tā!

vecais perdelis čērčils pīpēja cigāru un dzēra visaku un nodzīvoja līdz 99 un jutās apmierināts ar sevi un sev neko neliedza - kāpēc lai jūs darītu ko savādāk, es domāju liegtu sev kaut ko
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par attieksmi pret zeltu [18 Dec 2024|06:22am]

emm grieķi arī senie, lietoja zeltu un atēnas palādas statujai, kad bija kāds strēķītis zelta lūžņu sakrājies, pat bruņas sastiķēja, ko noņemt varēja lai vēlreiz nosvērtu, jo kāds politisks bļauris ieminējās ka pizģī

bet pareizticīgie tā padomāja pakasīja aiz auss - dajebaķ, zeltu taču uz jumta var likt - a kāpēc gan nea, tur putni dirš un visādi nokrišņi, bet mums zelta, labi zeltīts jumts .... zajebiss
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[18 Dec 2024|12:15am]
Kāds bitcoin, ja šodien viens MI stārtaps piedzīvoja 170% akciju kāpumu pēc paziņojuma par o1 pārsišanu dažos testos ar kārtām mazākiem resursiem. Tiesa, viņi bija izšķīdinājuši (diluted) ar laidieniem zemu. Bet tas kāpums laikam turpināsies, jo meklē iespējas apiet sienu. Akcijas gan tirgo tādās alternatīvās biržās un brokeru tīklos, ka no Latvijas banku portfeļiem klāt netiek. Jau pirms gada būtu nopircis. Viņi reāli taisa zinātni.
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un te mēs mazdrusciņ pasmiesimies [17 Dec 2024|09:16pm]

jenerālis, kurš runāja par kaujas odiem mira no sprādziena, ko izraisīja stāvdrāziz - vardā ods, nu labi - moskīts, tik un tā smieklīgi ... aijaijaijaijaijai
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[17 Dec 2024|05:05pm]

Santa Anča Feisbukā: “Tikko Latviju pāršalca ziņa par basketbolista Timmas aziešanu, un reizē arī ziņa par Mārupē notikušo traģēdiju, kur cilvēks nogalina savus tuvākos. Straujiem soļiem tuvojas Ziemassvētku laiks."
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punching down [17 Dec 2024|12:17pm]

black_robin ir tāds feministu podkāsts 'Visas labas', šad tad paklausos. Nesen tur bija jautājums vai drīkst jokot par visu un tika izteikta doma, ka ne, ka nevar par tiem, kas hierarhijā ir zemāk par tevi.

Šorīt klausījos interviju, kurā Endrū Doils no savas žurnālista/satīriķa/komiķa perspektīvas skaisti ielika šo domu kontekstā:

"...and then there this movement came along which we might call wokeness or critical social justice or whatever you want to call it, which was effectively a new powerful force in society which no one was ridiculing. It was as though for all of us this one closed system of thought had somehow successfully portrayed itself as the underdog and therefore became ring-fenced from satirical attention which is an interesting unprecedented thing. Normally we know the church, the state, the government, whatever..we know who the powerful people are and we know where the satirists target will be. But this was a group that said if you mock us, you're actually punching're a bully, even though this whole movement is of legitimizing bullying."

Un vērtīga piebilde no intervētāja: "It's also a movement that was based on the belief that virtually every form of interaction can be construed as a kind of bullying given that there's no human motivation fundamentally other than that of power."
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maskavā miris kaut kads sūds [17 Dec 2024|11:40am]

tak pohui, bļe

nav neinteresantākas ziņas par kaut kadu vaņku

p.s. un es nerunāju par ķīmisko kirilovu, par viņu kā reizi interesanti
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kādu diagnostu? [17 Dec 2024|10:41am]


Grasāmies ar vienu čali noslēgt derības, kurš līdz Jāņiem dabūs labāku fizisko formu, bet esam stipri atšķirīgi. Man ir liekais svars un kusls ķermenis, viņš arī gribētu kādus 10 kg speķīša nomest (pārējais ir lieli uzkačāti muskuļi). Katram ir savs ideālais sasniedzamais svars, kuru nu kurš pats uzskata par ideālu.
Kā mums saprast to, kuram būs lielāki sasniegumi, ja izejas līmenis un vajadzības ir tik dažādas? Kā saprast progresa līmeni attiecībā vienam pret otru?
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