cits ([info]garamgajejs) rakstīja,
@ 2013-04-03 11:30:00

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Entry tags:anthropology, culture, evolution, quote, religion

A scientist and non-believer, de Waal isn't saying here that religion is required for human morality, only that the two have been entwined throughout human history. Since I have wearied of the Richard Dawkins school of religion-bashing, in which belief is equated with dim-wittedness, I can only applaud de Waal's approach, as when he writes, "The enemy of science is not religion. Religion comes in endless shapes and forms ... . The true enemy is the substitution of thought, reflection, and curiosity with dogma."

- Frans de Waal's Bottom-Up Morality: We're Not Good Because Of God

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2013-04-04 20:35 (saite)
guns, germs and steel, protams, tur runa galvenokārt par to, ka katras rases attīstību lielā mērā ir noteikuši vides apstākļi, nevis "īpašs intelekts".

Sekojot jūsu pēdās, arī es nepiespiedīšu sevi censties latviskot, bet vienkārši iepostēšu, ka "to anyone interested in the world history, human societies of East Asia and Pacific are instructive, because they provide so many examples of how enviroment molds history. Depending on their geographic homeland, East Asian and Pacific peoples differed in their access to domesticable wild plant and animal species and their connectedness to other peoples. Again and again, people with access to the prerequisites for food production, and with location favouring diffusion of technology from elsewhere, replaced peoples lacking these advantages. Again and again, when a single wave of colonists spread out over diverse environments, their descendants developed in separate ways, depending on those environmental differences."

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2013-04-04 20:38 (saite)
Es pilnībā piekrītu grāmatas pamattēzei, ka Eiropiešu dominance nebalstījās iedzimtā pārākumā, bet gan veidā kā viņi pielietoja tehnoloģiskos līdzekļus - munīciju un navigāciju.

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