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[Nov. 13th, 2024|03:12 pm]


"known to beneficially modulate risk factors for cardiovascular disease; however, the current literature does not differentiate between various plant-based diets. This study aimed to examine the association between various plant-based diets and plasma lipids and glycaemic indices compared to a regular meat-eating diet."

"In conclusion, this cross-sectional study of healthy middle-aged adults found individuals adhering to a vegan dietary pattern had favourable plasma lipids and glycaemic indices compared to regular-meat dietary patterns characterised by significantly lower concentrations of TC, LDL-C, non-HDL-C, TC/HDL ratio, FBG, HbA1c and insulin."
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[Nov. 13th, 2024|11:38 am]

Tūlīt kā saņemšos un došos strādāt, uh. Pabeigšu objektu, jēē!
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[Nov. 12th, 2024|05:08 pm]


rīt braucu komandējumā un pirmdien atvaļinājumā

sāk sāpēt zobs
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[Nov. 12th, 2024|09:28 am]

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Atsevišķi subjekti freidlistē cepas par lietotāju/darbinieku drošības standartizāciju. Tā kā es te pēdējo nedēļu arī esmu būries caur ES dokumentāciju, varam ierēkt par birokrātiju.

Gari un garlaicīgi par normatīviem )
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[Nov. 12th, 2024|08:57 am]

Prikoļī kā nevienu nesatrauc, ka arābi arī ir semīti. Nacionālisms ir viens no lielākajiem idiotismiem, ko cilvēki jebkad ir izdomājuši. Daudz lielāks par reliģiju.
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[Nov. 12th, 2024|08:15 am]

Genocīds nav brīvības cīņas.
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Labi uzrakstīts un izskaidrots. [Nov. 12th, 2024|08:09 am]

Is nuclear low carbon - yes

Is nuclear safe - yes

France gud, Germany bad - yes

Should we build new nuclear reactors - largely no

Hence renewables will continue to take over - and we need to ensure this will happen even faster than before!
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Jā, tas ir tieši tik vienkārši. [Nov. 11th, 2024|08:47 pm]

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Europe’s top farming university is calling for smaller livestock herds and a shift toward plant-based diets.

"Most of Europe’s meat now comes from factory farms, which leak chemicals into soils and rivers, heighten the spread of animal diseases and antibiotic resistance, and violate animal welfare. "
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[Nov. 11th, 2024|01:23 pm]

vispār jau varēja tās mēbeles pārdot vismaz drusciņ saliktas.
vai tad tiešām līdz pēdējam iebāzenim (diesvienzin, kā tos visus pareizi sauc) viss jāsadala?
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