The most fundamental weapon of culture is the control of
speech. While history has shown violent examples of this
weapon, it exists in every culture as the code of propriety. The
objective of the control of speech is making sure that those who
were compelled to bend to the will of authority never gain the
courage to look back.
In order to maintain obedience, culture demands that everyone
it enslaves enforce its will upon those around them. It teaches
people to call their recalcitrant neighbors weird or insane. It
demands that every person turn on those who fail to obey the
precepts of culture. Culture condemns as immoral and anti-
social all those who fail to obey its precepts. In this way, culture
shapes people’s minds by restricting their speech.
Further, culture endows its evangelists with adjectives such as
noble and upstanding. Those who most closely follow the rules
of culture, especially in condemning enemies, are rewarded for
inflicting stigma upon those less willing to obey. It is this
devaluation of the human spirit that proves the evil of cultural
Those who exhibit recalcitrance or suggest rebellion against
authority are ostracized, berated and demonized. It is hard to
endure the loneliness associated with fitting outside of popular
culture. This is how the control of speech is a weapon designed
to break the spirit of man. It is a weapon designed to compel you
to obedience.
Once the people under a culture begin to enforce the control
of speech upon each other, authority has been established. It now
rules the very people who enforce its power. This is the design
of culture, and authority can now do with you as it pleases.
