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@ 2014-03-03 21:49:00

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Garastāvoklis:īstais domu spēks
Entry tags:domāšana, kolektivizācija, radošums, verdzība, wishful thinking

The Secret
Propagandas murgs (filma/grāmata) "The Secret" vispār ņēma un nodefinēja mūsu idiotisko laikmetiņu, par vadmotīvu ar jaunu spēku ieviešot t.s. "wishful thinking". Reālais noslēpums ir kritiskā domāšana un produktīvs radošums - tas ir brīvības pamats. Tomēr tautās labāk aiziet ideja, ka pietiek padomāt "labas domas" - un murgs, kurā tu tiec vests, pārvērtīsies saldā un pūkainā sapnī.

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2014-03-03 23:08 (saite)
es te varētu rekomendēt apskatīt kaut nedaudz no Vilema Flusera:

Now as you know Western history begins with linear writing for the simple fact that before the invention of linear writing there was no history, there were no events, everything only happened. And with the invention of linear writing events were created, but of course images didn’t give up, as the linear writing advanced against images in order to explain them away, the images infiltrated themselves into the texts and they began to illustrate the texts. The dynamics of western civilization, this inattention within western civilization, the tremendously so explosive and so dangerous for other civilizations, is the fact that image and text, imagination and conceptual thinking, magic and politics are always in conflict with us. Now during most of Western history this was a very creative process, imagination became ever more conceptual, and conceptual thinking ever more imaginative. But with the invention of print, with Gutenberg, this changed. Images were eliminated from our culture; they were enclosed into glorified ghettoes called museums or academies and the situation was dominated by writing. The triumph of linear writing was the Enlightenment, and this was also the moment of the most developed political thinking. But as rational thought, political and scientific thought advanced, its message became ever less and less imaginable. You can see that with science, that science projects a vision of the world that is perfectly conceivable but totally unimaginable.

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2014-03-04 18:07 (saite)
good stuff. ar līdzīgu domu lidojumu saskāros Māršala Makluena darbos.

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