aņa delovejevna ([info]deloveja_kundze) rakstīja,
@ 2010-10-25 00:28:00

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Entry tags:lol, nieki, tests

es zinu, ka ticēt interneta testiem ir vēl bērnišķīgāk par ticēšanu Ziemassvētku vecītim, bet šis kaut kā.. nu, liekas tuvu patiesībai. no otras puses, mēs šovakar vienkārši runājām par to visu, līdz ar to mazās sakritībiņas un nieki, kas liek ticēt lielākai bildītei, un vispār, mums ir jaunas vīna glāzes un mēs otrdien iesim uz karuseļiem, un tātad, feisbuka testā Which Harry Potter character are you? es izrādījos Luna, un tas ir kruta.

You sometimes seem to be off in a different world, but you just have a different perspective on the world we live in. What other people say about you doesn't affect you as you always have a bright outlook on life. Other's might see you as 'loony' or stupid, but you are ...anything but. You have a brain and know how to use it. You protect your friends and are honest to them, even if that honesty is a bit harsh. Sometimes you go overboard in your affections, so you might want to pull that in a bit.

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2010-10-25 09:53 (saite)
man sanaaca strups, un tas apraksts arii ir loti patiess.

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