running to stand still

there must be a light that never goes out

4/15/14 11:40 pm

tā kā man ir ļoti daudz darba, pildu interneta testus. tikko izpildīju Which Strong Female Character Are You (ahh, pats formulējums vien man riebjas), dabūju Irene Adler:

You are all WOMAN. It’s fair to say you’re quite dominant in your relationships, and can’t be bothered with silly notions such as “plans” or “commitment” or “clothing.”

3/22/12 01:28 am

ENTP - "Inventor". Enthusiastic interest in everything and always sensitive to possibilities. Non-conformist and innovative. 3.2% of the total population.
Take Free Jung Personality Test
Personality Test by

12/17/11 10:04 am

Людей этого типа отличают аналитические способности, рационализм, независимость и оригинальность мышления, умение точно формулировать и излагать свои мысли, решать логические задачи, генерировать новые идеи. Они часто выбирают научную и исследовательскую работу и условия, дающие свободу для творчества. Работа способна увлечь их настолько, что стирается грань между рабочим временем и досугом. Мир идей для них может быть важнее, чем общение с людьми. Материальное благополучие для них обычно не на первом месте.

Близкие типы: реалистический и артистический.
Противоположный тип: предпринимательский.
Пройти тест: Какая профессия вам подходит?

5/31/11 02:46 am

arī es.

Your rainbow is shaded green and red.


What is says about you: You are a passionate person. You feel strong ties to nature and your mood changes with its cycles. You get bored easily and want friends who will keep up with you. Those around you admire your fresh outlook and vitality.

Find the colors of your rainbow at

5/22/11 03:36 pm - prokrastinācija ftw

what your lipstick says about you

haha, vispār diezgan daudz kas atbilst. manējā ir sharp angle tip, kura ir jūsējā, mīļās dāmas?

5/2/11 06:05 pm

You Are a Vampire
Like a vampire, you can be a bit cold and heartless at times. You are very calculating.
You think with your head, and you know better than to follow your heart.

While you are as thick skinned and resourceful as a vampire, you aren't necessarily as evil.
You can easily manipulate people into doing what you want. Whether you actually choose to manipulate them or not is a different matter.
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10/25/10 12:28 am

es zinu, ka ticēt interneta testiem ir vēl bērnišķīgāk par ticēšanu Ziemassvētku vecītim, bet šis kaut kā.. nu, liekas tuvu patiesībai. no otras puses, mēs šovakar vienkārši runājām par to visu, līdz ar to mazās sakritībiņas un nieki, kas liek ticēt lielākai bildītei, un vispār, mums ir jaunas vīna glāzes un mēs otrdien iesim uz karuseļiem, un tātad, feisbuka testā Which Harry Potter character are you? es izrādījos Luna, un tas ir kruta.

You sometimes seem to be off in a different world, but you just have a different perspective on the world we live in. What other people say about you doesn't affect you as you always have a bright outlook on life. Other's might see you as 'loony' or stupid, but you are ...anything but. You have a brain and know how to use it. You protect your friends and are honest to them, even if that honesty is a bit harsh. Sometimes you go overboard in your affections, so you might want to pull that in a bit.

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7/14/10 10:35 pm - bet vispār pietiek spamot

You Are Mild

You get as many thrills as wild people do, however your thrills tend to be more of the laid back variety.

You believe that the deeper you get into something, the more you enjoy it. And you need calm to do that.

You are one of the least superficial people around. You have intense and passionate interests.

You don't get bored easily. How could you? There is so much to learn about and think about!


6/9/10 12:47 am - pēdējais tests. vismaz tuvākajā laikā.

kaut kā īpatnēji sanāk, ka tie rezultāti tādi pretrunīgi.

6/8/10 08:50 pm

īsti nepiekrītu, bet nu ok.

kaut kādā brīdī, kad saņemšos, iespējams, ierakstīšu kaut ko nopietnāku par testu rezultātiem, bet es šodien esmu pārāk daudz bijusi uz kājām, lai varētu sakarīgi padomāt. un nu jau gribas tikai kasīties ar visiem, nevis sirsnīgi papļāpāt.

6/8/10 12:10 am - jēēj.


4/8/10 09:16 am

You Are 9: The Peacemaker

You are emotionally stable and willing to find common ground with others.

Your friends and family often look to you to be the mediator when there is conflict.

You are easy going and accepting. You take things as they come.

Avoiding conflict at all costs, you're content when things are calm.

At Your Best: You feel connected, trusting, and fulfilled. You feel at peace with your place in the world.

At Your Worst: You compromise your values to make sure peace is maintained. You give in to bullies.

Your Fixation: Harmony

Your Primary Fear: Causing conflict

Your Primary Desire: To preserve things as they are

Other Number 9's: Marge Simpson, Ronald Reagan, Audrey Hepburn, Jerry Seinfeld, and Abraham Lincoln.


1/17/10 11:39 am

jau trešo gadu pēc kārtas reizi gadā izpildu testu Do you have a place in this world? un rezultāti ir arvien satriecošāki - pirmajā reizē bija you feel like you don't fit in 29% of the time, pagāšreiz bija 48%, un tagad --->

You Feel Like You Don't Fit In 51% Of The Time

Life can be a struggle for you. You have a place in the world, but you may not have found it yet. Don't give up though. You are a unique person, and that means you don't fit in all the time. But it is something you should not fight against but embrace. You will find your way.

Do You Have a Place in This World?
Take More Quizzes


10/24/09 12:56 am - haha, šaubos gan, bet whatever

You Are Most Like John F. Kennedy

You live a fairy tale life that most people envy.

And while you may have a few dark secrets, few people know them.


8/3/09 11:22 am

es vakar noskatījos pēdējo Scrubs sezonu. sad-five. un vispār es papildīju dažus testus, no kuriem gandrīz visi saka, ka es esot eliota. hmm

My Results:
You're a little crazy and strange but you're caring and very pretty :)

6/25/09 11:29 am

vēlreiz pildīju testu what nationality are you, really?, protams, atšķirīgu no pirmā, un jau atkal man sanāca, ka esmu japanese
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6/8/09 08:31 pm - no forsaken

You'll Have 2 True Loves

Calm and understated, you struggle to express your love with words.

Over time, your partner learns to recognize your passion by the actions you take.

You're good at wooing someone slowly, without them even realizing it!

Number of Times You'll Have Your Heart Broken: 2

You are most compatible with people born on the 7th, 16th, and 25th of the month.


6/7/09 09:26 pm - laika nosišana

You're all that and a bag of potato chips

You sang and danced around to Madonna songs in your underwear.

Because of this, You say 'that's hot' more than 3 times a day

Agnese's best excuse is ... - What's your best excuse?"It was already burnt"

6/7/09 09:05 pm - haha, būtu jau labi, lol

Agnese [adjective] --
Visually addictive

5/17/09 09:13 pm - es šodien baigi spamoju, bet man negribas mācīties, that's all

Your Superpower Should Be Mind Reading

You are brilliant, insightful, and intuitive.

You understand people better than they would like to be understood.

Highly sensitive, you are good at putting together seemingly irrelevant details.

You figure out what's going on before anyone knows that anything is going on!

Why you would be a good superhero: You don't care what people think, and you'd do whatever needed to be done

Your biggest problem as a superhero: Feeling even more isolated than you do now

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