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intelligent life [Feb. 21st, 2013|11:54 am]
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Varbūt tas nav labi, ka mēs īstenībā domājam, ka esam inteliģenti.
Es sākšu: es esmu pastulbs (ik pa laikam).

Starp citu, ja gribi runāt diplomatiski ar britiem/amerikāniem utt., ir jāzina the present continuous, proti:

You are stupid! (diagnoze)
You are being stupid! (ir OK, tā gadās)

OK viss.
linkpost comment

[User Picture]
Date:February 21st, 2013 - 12:09 pm
latviski - tu esi stulbs vs tu uzvedies stulbi
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Date:February 21st, 2013 - 12:24 pm
aha, uzvedības zelta likums - nekad nekritizē otru, kritizē viņa darbus!
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Date:February 21st, 2013 - 12:33 pm
priekš tam mums ir the sufferable voice (ciešamā kārta)
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Date:February 21st, 2013 - 12:41 pm
kā arī doable voive. For example, Classical Mongolian features five voices: active, passive, causative, reciprocal, and cooperative.
[User Picture]
Date:February 21st, 2013 - 12:42 pm
doable voice
[User Picture]
Date:February 21st, 2013 - 12:48 pm
it ka it was done, 'cos it was doable?
as opposed to
it was suffered 'cos it was sufferable (LV style)
[User Picture]
Date:February 21st, 2013 - 01:00 pm
[User Picture]
Date:February 21st, 2013 - 01:03 pm
[User Picture]
Date:February 21st, 2013 - 12:09 pm
interesantākais sākas, kad vairs nesaproti, kā īsti ir ar cilvēkiem - are they just being stupid or are they permanently stupid :))

vai arī - es pati. i'm pretty sure i'm stupid, because i really wish i wasn't :)
[User Picture]
Date:February 21st, 2013 - 12:15 pm
hmm - they are being stupid when you are about - or they appear (state verb) stupid to you - or they are appearing stupid tonight at 20:00 at the pietura by your house.

so intelligent people know they are intelligent because they really wish they weren't?
[User Picture]
Date:February 21st, 2013 - 12:23 pm
(oh, the visions that are appearing in my mind now! "they are appearing stupid tonight at 20:00 at the pietura by your house" :) )

i don't think it works about positive traits this way.
[User Picture]
Date:February 21st, 2013 - 12:30 pm
can't you wish you weren't .... I dunno...good, sometimes?
I mean, you know if you were, err...'worse', you could do something that would bring some pleasure.
[User Picture]
Date:February 21st, 2013 - 02:39 pm
good point.
[User Picture]
Date:February 21st, 2013 - 01:02 pm
Attiecībā uz gudrību tas strādā (ie arī ne pārāk gudri cilvēki var apjēgt, ka viņiem būtu vienkāršāk dzīvot, ja viņi būtu drusku stulbāki). Tāpat kā, piemēram, attiecībā uz tikumību vai godīgumu vai citām labām, bet neērtām īpašībām.
[User Picture]
Date:February 21st, 2013 - 12:26 pm
Varu vērtēt tikai sevi, jo man nav tā lineāla un cirķeļa ar leņķi lai mērītu citus. Jā, atzīstu esmu stulbenis, ik pa brīžam.
[User Picture]
Date:February 21st, 2013 - 12:36 pm
I welcome you red wolf.
[User Picture]
Date:February 21st, 2013 - 03:41 pm
you've been welcoming
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Date:February 21st, 2013 - 04:33 pm
you've been being welcomed
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Date:February 21st, 2013 - 05:26 pm
you being welcoming been welcomed
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Date:February 21st, 2013 - 01:05 pm


I'm not stupid. I am being stupid all the time.
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Date:February 21st, 2013 - 01:08 pm

Re: :)

for a laugh?
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Date:February 21st, 2013 - 01:13 pm

Re: :)

I think it started that way, but now I'm just used to it and don't know how to get rid of the stupid habit.
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Date:February 21st, 2013 - 01:37 pm

Re: :)

nerves probably
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Date:February 21st, 2013 - 01:39 pm

Re: :)

the modern lifestyle kind of demands to have at least that.
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Date:February 21st, 2013 - 01:45 pm

Re: :)

people need to have nerves of steel, but then end up being killed by them

softer nerves do less harm
[User Picture]
Date:February 21st, 2013 - 02:01 pm

Re: :)

in the end most people die from stress related health issues anyway. since most issues can be caused by stress, I will be stupid and presume this.
[User Picture]
Date:February 21st, 2013 - 02:04 pm
Krieviski ir burvigs jedziens "ущербность", kas ir nepietiekamiba visplashakaja nozime. Not good enough (too dumb, acting too stupid or just not being there enough). Tas shkiet tuvak.
[User Picture]
Date:February 21st, 2013 - 04:35 pm
"always in the presence of superior possibilities"
[User Picture]
Date:February 21st, 2013 - 07:36 pm
always :)
[User Picture]
Date:February 21st, 2013 - 07:39 pm
Vispirms tad jāvienojas, kas ir "inteliģents"? Manuprāt inteliģencei ar intelektuālismu (bet gudrs/pastulbs attiecas tieši uz prāta aspektu) visai maza saistība - tās divas dažādas īpašības.
[User Picture]
Date:February 21st, 2013 - 07:53 pm
Tad pastāv pastulbi intelektuāli? Prāta cilvēks, kam ir nevisai specīgs prāts. Kas, tad ir inteliģents? Esmu dzirdējis, ka cilvēki lieto šo vārdu 'neinteliģents', lai aprakstītu provokatorisku (provocative) uzvedību.
[User Picture]
Date:February 22nd, 2013 - 06:59 am
Domāju, pastāv neinteliģenti, bet ļoti gudri intelektuāļi ar ļoti spēcīgu prātu. Savukārt ļoti inteliģents var būt onkulītis laukos, kas jaunībā knapi pamatskolu absolvējis un visu mūžu par govju fermas sargu strādājis.

Protams, Austrumeiropā 19. gadsimtā (un arī vēl 20. gs. sākumā) "inteliģents" apzīmēja konkrētu sociālu kategoriju, taču 20. gs. otrajā pusē te ar "inteliģents" saprata jaunai informācijai atvērtu, izteikti smalkjūtīgu (empātisku) cilvēku. Tāds var būt arī pastulbs (ne velti 80. gados ļoti daudzi Austrumeiropas inteliģenti aizrāvās ar aurām, čakrām, jogām, ziemas peldēm, mistiku un NLO ķeršanu. Savukārt intelektuāls/gudrs cilvēks var pretendēt aš uz Nobela prēmiju, bet sadzīvē būt ļoti neinteliģents (agresīvs, neiejūtīgs, neempātisks, konservatīvs).
Taču es vārdu "inteliģents" saprotu tikai šajā reģionālajā nozīmē, un iespējams, tu piešķir šim vārdam citu saturu. Tāpēc ieteicu pirms spriest, vienoties par kopīgu sapratni, lai nebūtu tā, ka viens runā par māti, bet trs - par meitu. :)