black_robin ([info]black_robin) rakstīja,
@ 2023-04-13 11:01:00

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"Many human sex differences satisfy all three conditions — they are culturally universal, are observable in newborns, and a similar pattern is seen in apes and other mammals. The largest sex differences found with striking cross-cultural similarity are in mate preferences, but other differences arise across societies and among young children before the age of three as boys and girls tend to self-segregate into different groups with distinct and stereotypical styles. These patterns, which include more play fighting in males, are observable in other apes and mammal species, which, like humans, follow the logic of Trivers’ theory of parental investment and have higher variance in male reproduction, and therefore more intense competition among males as compared to females.

If so, why then has the opposite message — that these differences are either non-existent or solely the result of social construction — been so vehemently argued? The reason, I submit, is essentially political. The idea that any consequential differences between men and women have no foundation in biology has wide appeal because it fosters the illusion of control. If gender role “theories” are correct, then all we need to do to eliminate them is to modify the social environment (e.g., give kids gender-neutral toys, and the problem is solved). If, however, sex differences are hardwired into human nature, they will be more difficult to change.

Acknowledging the role of biology also opens the door to conceding the possibility that the existence of statistically unequal outcomes for men and women are not just something to be expected but may even be…desirable. Consider the so-called gender equality paradox whereby sex differences in personality and occupation are higher in countries with greater opportunities for women. Countries with the highest gender equality, such as Finland, have the lowest proportion of women who graduate college with degrees in stereotypically masculine STEM fields, while the least gender equal countries such as Saudi Arabia, have the highest. Similarly, the female-to-male sex ratio in stereotypically female occupations such nursing is 40 to 1 in Scandinavia, but only 2 to 1 in countries like Morocco.

The above numbers are consistent with cross-cultural research that indicates that women are, on average, more attracted to professions focused on people such as medicine and biology, while men are, again, on average, more attracted to professions focused on things such as mathematics and engineering. These findings are not a matter of dispute, but they are inconvenient for gender role theorists because they suggest that women and men have different preferences upon which they act when given the choice. Indeed, it is only a “paradox” if one assumes that sex is entirely socially constructed."

Saprāta balss.

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2023-04-16 20:01 (saite)
/precizēt, ka sex = biological sex nevis gender nozīmē izslēgt iespēju sniegt specifiski transpersonām nepieciešamo aprūpi./

Nesen izlasīju vienu grāmatu, kuras autore ir med.doktore, kas ilgstoši strādājusi NHS, kur viņa smalki apraksta, ka lielākās problēmas rodas tieši no tā, ka transpersonas neuzrāda savu bioloğisko dzimumu un tieši tāpēc nesaņem atbilstošu aprūpi. Bija aprakstīts gadījums, kur pacientam nepieciešama nieres transplantācija, paciente ir biol.sieviete, bet visur info norādīts, ka vīrietis un parametri tiek analizēti kā vīrietim, lai gan viņai tādu nevar būt un viņas anazlīzes bija atbilstošas kā sievietei, bet nebija pietiekamas kā vīrietim un tāpēc viņas operācija pavisam lieli notika daudz vēlāk, nekā bija nepieciešams.

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2023-04-16 21:30 (saite)
Nu jā, tas ir Stupid Move (tm). Viņi gan paši saka, ka tas esot tāpēc, ka 1) bieži saņem ļoti negatīvu attieksmi, ja atzīstas, un 2) tāpēc, ka informācija par šīm lietām ir tik slikta, ka pat paši trans bieži neapzinās, ka šīs lietas var būt svarīgas (un attiecīgi jau pašus jautājumus šajā virzienā uztver kā diskrimināciju).

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2023-04-16 21:39 (saite)
Nu jā ja viņš iedomājas ka jūtoties kā sievietei viņam būs arī sievietes fizioloģija tad apsveicu, darvina balva.

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