A few bad apples
Uzmanīgi lasītāji ievēros, ka pie Parex kraha vainojama ne tik daudz "neveiksmīgu apstākļu sakritība - globālā finansu krīze", kā to toreiz apgalvoja Kalvītis, vai Zviedru neapdomīgā kreditēšana Latvijā, kas uzkarsēja vietējo ekonomiku, kā to toreiz apgalvoja Dombrovskis, bet gan prozaiski vienkāršāks iemesls - Parex bija t.s. kabatas banka, kas izsniedza kredītus ar bankas īpašniekiem pietuvinātām personām (atcerēsimies arīdzan Antonova Krājbanku). Šos aizdevumus nekad nebija plānots atmaksāt:
"Shortly after Magnitsky was imprisoned, a Latvian bank called Parex became a funnel for money laundering and easy cash for politically-connected individuals, according to documents in the so-called Panama Papers, a global investigative series. Among many murky deals was a $100 million loan, against no collateral, to Zhan Khudainatov, the CEO of Russian gas company Severneft, and his brother Eduard, deputy CEO and later CEO of Russian state oil company Rosneft. The Khudainatovs defaulted on $78 million to Parex despite selling assets for $403 million in 2012, according to the OCCRP.
This defaulted loan, on top of others, contributed to Parex bank’s failure in 2008. The Latvian state rescued the bank at a cost of about $1 billion dollars, a colossal sum for Latvia. It was one of the biggest costs in a national financial crisis that increased Latvia’s national debt burden six-fold, required a bailout from the International Monetary Fund and ultimately saw a tenth of the population emigrate in search of a better life.
John Christmas, a former employee of Parex bank, said he alerted Rimsevics as back as 2005, detailing how Parex was operating illegally and not carrying out proper checks on its loans.
“They refused to talk to me,” he says. Instead, he says he began receiving death threats and had to flee the country."
Ko mēs te varam saskatīt? Valsts nozagšana - signālus apzināti ignorēja gan Latvijas Bankas prezidents, gan prokuratūra - šīs institūcijas bija (ir?) nopirktas. [Ko nu tur par politiķiem - tas pats stāsts. Partijas tieši un netieši finansēja šie paši šeftmaņi baņķieri. Nopirkti cilvēki nav jau tikai monetāri - varu saderēt, ka izmantoti visi instrumenti, ieskaitot nāves draudus. Šīs nav joka spēlītes.]