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Dec. 24., 2005 | 01:03 pm
posted by: dienasgramata in pajautaa

vai saslēdzot divus PC datorus ar ethernet vadu, kaut kas ir jākonfigurē, lai viņi pamanītu viens otru? es tipa gribu pārkopēt failus no cietā diska

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Comments {16}


from: [info]x_f
date: Dec. 24., 2005 - 01:13 pm

Tur vajag nevis parasto tīkla kabeli, bet gan crosswired.
Ja XP, tad būtu jāatpazīst tīkls automātiski.

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Nepabeigtā dienasgrāmata

from: [info]dienasgramata
date: Dec. 24., 2005 - 01:14 pm

a šie pēc izskata atšķiras vai tikai pēc nosaukuma?

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from: [info]x_f
date: Dec. 24., 2005 - 01:16 pm

Pēc izskata diez vai pamanīsi atšķirību. Vienkārši daži vadiņi ir pretējā pusē otram spraudnim, tas arī viss.
Prasi pēc nosaukuma, tad Tevi sapratīs.

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Nepabeigtā dienasgrāmata

from: [info]dienasgramata
date: Dec. 24., 2005 - 01:21 pm

How to Make Ethernet Cables:

1. Strip off about 2 inches of the cable sheath.
2. Untwist the pairs - don't untwist them beyond what you have exposed, the more untwisted cable you have the worse the problems you can run into.
3. Align the colored wires according to the diagrams above.
4. Trim all the wires to the same length, about 1/2" to 3/4" left exposed from the sheath.
5. Insert the wires into the RJ45 end - make sure each wire is fully inserted to the front of the RJ45 end and in the correct order. The sheath of the cable should extend into the RJ45 end by about 1/2" and will be held in place by the crimp.
6. Crimp the RJ45 end with the crimper tool
7. Verify the wires ended up the right order and that the wires extend to the front of the RJ45 end and make good contact with the metal contacts in the RJ45 end.
8. Cut the cable to length - make sure it is more than long enough for your needs. Remember, an end to end connection should extend at least 1m (3ft) and not more than 100m (~328ft). Yes, there is a minimum, it is little known, little referred to and not usually important, but I have seen cases where short cables caused problems. Try to keep cables short, the longer the cable becomes the more it may affect performance, usually it is a gradual decrease in speed and increase in latency. Also, when uplinking between (cascading) hubs/switches, you sometimes need a very short cable, less than 1m, check the device's specifications.
9. Repeat the above steps for the second RJ45 end.
10. If a cable tester is available, use it to verify the proper connectivity of the cable.

That should be it, if your cable doesn't turn out, look closely at each end and see if you can find the problem. Usually a wire ended up in the wrong place or more commonly, one of the wires didn't extend to the front of the RJ45 connector and is making no, or poor contact. If you see a mistake or problem, cut the end off and start again.

Atbildēt | Iepriekšējais | Diskusija

Nepabeigtā dienasgrāmata

from: [info]dienasgramata
date: Dec. 24., 2005 - 01:22 pm

sevišķi labs pēdējais teikums! :D

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from: [info]watt
date: Dec. 24., 2005 - 01:47 pm

jaunās tīkla kartes, starp citu tagad māk automātiski apmest to vienu vadiņu apkārt, ja sajūt full duplex pieslēgumu. tā ka manā pieredzē, tas cross cable praktiski ir maz vajadzīgs

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from: [info]petro
date: Dec. 24., 2005 - 04:48 pm

RJ-45 kontakti
1. - T+
2. - T-
3. - R+
6. - R-

Crossover vadam jāvieno lai "Transmit" būtu pretī "Receive" un otrādi.
Sīkēk šeit:

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Nepabeigtā dienasgrāmata

from: [info]dienasgramata
date: Dec. 24., 2005 - 01:29 pm

crosswired vai crossover?

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from: [info]mako
date: Dec. 24., 2005 - 01:46 pm

crossconnect imho

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from: [info]madars
date: Dec. 24., 2005 - 08:45 pm

šķiet, ka pietiek ar crossover kabeli. abiem datoriem jāiestāda IP adreses no viena /24 subneta (piem. un, netmask -, gateway - none.


from: [info]vaivars
date: Dec. 24., 2005 - 08:48 pm

vajag crossover cabeli


Pats par sevi

from: [info]wowow
date: Dec. 25., 2005 - 01:51 pm

1) crosover kabelis
2) pc-linq kabelis + pc-linq katraa galaa (varu aizdot)
3) wireless uz notebook (noteikti ir) + wireless usb spraudnis (varu aizdot) ar internet connection sharing

Atbildēt | Diskusija

Pats par sevi

from: [info]wowow
date: Dec. 25., 2005 - 01:52 pm

vēl var failus caur ipodu kopēt

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Nepabeigtā dienasgrāmata

from: [info]dienasgramata
date: Dec. 25., 2005 - 07:25 pm

nu ņihuja - nopērku es kabeli ar crosover, nekas nemainās, pēc tam iespraužu tā paša kabeļa galu kabeļmodēmā un šis strādā. vai tas nozīmētu, ka man iesmērējuši parasto kabeli? unkam jānotiek, ja ir savienots pareizi? kur parādās tas otrs PC?

man vajag kādus 60 Gb pārkopēt uz notebooku

Atbildēt | Iepriekšējais | Diskusija

Pats par sevi

from: [info]wowow
date: Dec. 27., 2005 - 10:48 am

Nezinu, es vienmēr esmu izticis ar kādu no alternatīvajām metodēm (minēts augstāk).

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Aizliegts Viljams

from: [info]aizliegts_v
date: Dec. 27., 2005 - 12:45 pm

Paskaties pēc vadu krāsām, ja abos štepseļos krāsu secība sakrīt, nav crossover.

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