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[Nov. 15th, 2024|12:54 am]
Unlike your stomach your brain never tells you when it's empty.
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Dienas citāts no reddita dzīlēm. [Nov. 14th, 2024|11:13 pm]
"Elon is genuinely an idiot, ketamine has fried his brain, but he spent most of his life being smart, and he can no longer think of himself any other way."
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Dienas citāts. [Nov. 14th, 2024|12:29 pm]
It's easy to hate, it's hard to love.
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Paldies, Borel. [Nov. 14th, 2024|08:33 am]
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Vegānu joki parasti ir stipri nesmieklīgi, atradu vienu vismaz nedaudz smieklīgu. [Nov. 13th, 2024|09:24 pm]
There's a lot of vegan meats now. There's Tofu Turkey, which they call Tofurkey. There's Tofu Bacon, which they call Tofacon. Apparently someone has made Tofu Duck, but they're having trouble with the name.
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Dienas citāts no bluesky. [Nov. 13th, 2024|04:49 pm]
"trying to rationalize with the irrational is, itself, irrational."
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[Nov. 13th, 2024|03:44 pm]
This article is dedicated to those who resonate with the vegan cause yet feel they can remain on the sidelines.

The powerful forces backing animal agriculture are determined to maintain their dominance, despite the devastating harm their industry inflicts on animals, the planet, and public health.
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[Nov. 13th, 2024|03:12 pm]

"known to beneficially modulate risk factors for cardiovascular disease; however, the current literature does not differentiate between various plant-based diets. This study aimed to examine the association between various plant-based diets and plasma lipids and glycaemic indices compared to a regular meat-eating diet."

"In conclusion, this cross-sectional study of healthy middle-aged adults found individuals adhering to a vegan dietary pattern had favourable plasma lipids and glycaemic indices compared to regular-meat dietary patterns characterised by significantly lower concentrations of TC, LDL-C, non-HDL-C, TC/HDL ratio, FBG, HbA1c and insulin."
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[Nov. 13th, 2024|11:38 am]
Tūlīt kā saņemšos un došos strādāt, uh. Pabeigšu objektu, jēē!
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[Nov. 12th, 2024|08:57 am]
Prikoļī kā nevienu nesatrauc, ka arābi arī ir semīti. Nacionālisms ir viens no lielākajiem idiotismiem, ko cilvēki jebkad ir izdomājuši. Daudz lielāks par reliģiju.
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[Nov. 12th, 2024|08:15 am]
Genocīds nav brīvības cīņas.
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Labi uzrakstīts un izskaidrots. [Nov. 12th, 2024|08:09 am]
Is nuclear low carbon - yes

Is nuclear safe - yes

France gud, Germany bad - yes

Should we build new nuclear reactors - largely no

Hence renewables will continue to take over - and we need to ensure this will happen even faster than before!
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Jā, tas ir tieši tik vienkārši. [Nov. 11th, 2024|08:47 pm]
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Europe’s top farming university is calling for smaller livestock herds and a shift toward plant-based diets.

"Most of Europe’s meat now comes from factory farms, which leak chemicals into soils and rivers, heighten the spread of animal diseases and antibiotic resistance, and violate animal welfare. "
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Par D vitamīnu. [Nov. 8th, 2024|08:21 pm]
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Aizmaldījos pa internetiem līdz podkāstam par D vitamīnu. 2 Doktori apgalvo, ka D vitamīna, kurš nemaz nav vitamīns, jo mēs paši labi varam to saražot, iedod tikai nedaudz saules gaismas, avitaminoze ir reti sastopama un D vitamīna lietošana nav zinātniski pamatota, bet industrijas izdomājums. Video komentos attiecīgi doktori tika nolikti, ka runājot muļķības.
Tas man lika pameklēt pētījumus par tēmu. Neatradu pārliecinošus datus par D vitamīna lietošanas vajadzību. D vitamīns esot vispārējās veselības rādītājs, kura līmenis katram indivīdam atšķiras. D vitamīna avitaminozei ir konkrēti sāpīgi simptomi. Prikolīgi, bet būtu labāk videospēles spēlējis, nevis galvu jaucis.
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Neliela gaļas patēriņa samazināšana bagātākajās valstīs varētu palīdzēt cīņā pret klimata pārmaiņām. [Nov. 5th, 2024|06:14 pm]
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Lūdzu, daram tā.
link5 comments|post comment [Oct. 26th, 2024|04:41 pm]
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"Over-consumption of iron-rich red meat and hereditary or genetic iron overload are associated with an increased risk of colorectal carcinogenesis, yet the mechanistic basis of how metal-mediated signaling leads to oncogenesis remains enigmatic."
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[Aug. 8th, 2024|12:34 pm]
Nupat visi būs kļuvuši par bioloģijas un ģenētikas speciālistiem.
Ja vēl kāds no viņiem tiešām kaut ko saprastu no dzīvnieku fizioloģijas.
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Velo FTW!!!1 [Jul. 17th, 2024|08:05 pm]
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"A study of 31,666 commuters over 18 years found that cyclists have lower risks of various health issues: 47% reduction in mortality, 51% less cancer, 24% fewer hospitalizations for cardiovascular diseases, and better mental health conditions"
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[Jul. 17th, 2024|10:37 am]
Vienā ūdens molekulā ir vairāk ūdeņraža atomu kā zvaigžņu saules sistēmā.
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[Jul. 15th, 2024|06:52 pm]
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