mama drama ([info]virginia_rabbit) rakstīja,
@ 2021-10-03 12:41:00

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Entry tags:murālis

Līdz šim labākais lasītais komentārs par Brektes murāli nāk no Julia Robinson:

I just looked up the mural (am I right it is the one that has erotic overtones near a school and parents are worried it will traumatise their children?)
I feel this conversation has nothing to do with art. The art is good enough. It's got pleasant composition. It has naked people and a woman in a bed.
I am a teacher and also work within the art world, so I have experienced a little of both.
To me the problem here seems to be the parents who don't understand that children if they don't get it, don't see it, and those that get it actually probably have seen so much more on Netflix, it read in books. Are parents scared of their children having sexuality? Have the parents been traumatised by their own sexuality that they are presuming that sex is scandalous? I have more experience in teaching and art than sex in Latvia, bit the experience I have had is that there is not a lot of communication in the sexual world and that itself creates and maintains trauma.
An art piece only symbolises, it can't create trauma, but it can bring out conversation.
Go latvians, let's communicate about difficult things, it is healing.

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2021-10-03 13:36 (saite)
es pirmsskolas vecumā drusku redzēju Kronenberga "Mušu", jo tā bija pirmā video kasete, kas mājās bija un kuras dēļ ilgi negribēju skatīties neko video.. nu, ne pārāk ilgi, Disneja kasete pārvarēja video-fobiju.
tomēr situācijā, kad bērnam sanāk redzēt kaut ko pārāk hardkorīgu, komunikācija joprojām ir atbilde... piegaušais var paskaidrot kontekstu un, runājot par to, palīdzēt sadziedēt traumu kā nobrāztu celi.
man daudzas gleznas muzejos un grāmatās bērnībā likās pārāk gruzīgas un atgrūdošas, ar tādu brūno kolorītu un depri, pat ja tur attēlota bija vienkārši apģērbta dāma... bet murālis ir humorīgs un rotaļīgs, tāds, kas bērniem var palīdzēt pasmaidīt par bailēm un labāk pārvārīt visādas reālās dzīves preteklības un neatbilstošos saturus, kas neizbēgami ienāk(s) redzeslaukā.

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