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@ 2015-11-22 08:16:00

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Garastāvoklis:love is the answer
Entry tags:meli, mīlestība, terorisms, tv

love is real, real is love

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2015-11-23 11:18 (saite)
more bewilderment...
You know what is interesting is the descent into conspiracy theory of my 'rational' friends. They are now claiming the Syrian passport is a plant in order to support the narrative that the migrants/refugees are peace-loving types: imagine that.

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2015-11-23 12:46 (saite)
Be wild or bē-bēwildered.

Whatever the tactics of those to whom power is delegated, violence entrusted, speech submitted, the strategy befits the character and is naturally aimed towards greater power, greater violence and greater censorship.
As long as they can cause confusion, they can both carry out their goals and maintain the illusion of the opposite simultaneously. Even conspiracy theories get muddled up to make the truth appear confusing under the general label of "conspiracy theory", thus disabling actual or potential truth-seekers. Likewise, the label "refugees" is now used as a confusion tactic. We'll get to see a remarkable increase in polititical correctness and violence. The less we can converse, the more we have to fight. Thus our minds and wills are to be conquered - by division. As long as we stick to separate illusions, whatever they be, and forget what This is all about, what Life is all about, what Love is about, what Truth is about - if we forget what is indivisible and what unites Syrians, Latvians, Britons, Americans and whomever else, then we'll have to be united under a flag, under a ruler, under a lie.
So, bit by bit, we can attune our hearts to truth, discourage lies, encourage honesty, and see where it takes us.
It is considered inappropriate to suggest the smell of rats in polite company. If I suggest a conspiracy or a deception when I feel one, people get anxious to know what The Truth is that very moment. But as in all things living, one needs to cultivate patience to come to less immediate or concrete conclusions when in doubt, unless you are willing to be deceived and mislead into certain confusion.
So, yeah, let us be rational and let us be friends. Let us stay open and mind the presence and the tools of evil as seen in deception, confusion and false certainty. What's with Syria, with the refugees, with Paris attacks? I'm not sure. But one thing I can tell is mass deception. And truth, however fragmented initially, can lead to real unity.

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