gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2020-11-21 01:59:00

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Lielais Restarts
"Amazon: profit up 100%
Walmart: profit up 80%
Target: profit up 80%
Lowe's: profit up 74%
Microsoft, Facebook, Apple, Google: stock at record high

Small businesses: 21% closed; revenue for rest down 30%. They're gonna go extinct in the lockdown without help."

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2020-11-22 19:39 (saite)
And Uber and Lyft have also really earned my trust and respect. Five years ago I worked in a clinic that wasn't on any of the public bus routes. Some of my poorer patients didn't have cars, and it would take them hours to get to my office, and sometimes they would miss some crucial public transportation step and not be able to make their appointments at all. Sometimes if they were desperate they would take a taxi, which would charge them through the nose and take its sweet time getting there. This was right when Uber and Lyft were expanding to Michigan, I was usually the first person to tell them about it, and it changed some of these people's lives. It's really easy for privileged people who own their own transportation to dismiss ride-sharing as a luxury, but if you don't have a car, you used to have severely limited mobility. Now you can get anywhere in town for a quick $5 Uber ride.

In a world of quickly-closing opportunities, Uber and Lyft are this rare bright spot, where uncredentialled blue-collar workers excluded from most positions can get flexible jobs with whatever hours they want, and where poor people who were previously locked out of most of the world can get anywhere they need to be for cheap. So of course California is trying to destroy them. It's the most California thing ever to California.

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2020-11-22 20:18 (saite)
Paldies par info.
un kāda būtu tava nostāja par problēmām(?) ar pašnodarbināto nodokli Latvijā. proti to dziesmu, ka pensijai nesakrās utt.

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2020-11-22 20:26 (saite)
Es noteikti atbalstu UK sistēmu, kur nav šādu ikmēneša maksājumu. Ir tikai maksājums par gadu, un ienākuma nodoklis ir tāds pats kā darbiniekiem, bet sociālais ir 9%, kas laikam ir vienāds ar darbinieka maksāto sociālu. Maksājumos iztrūkst darba devēja maksātā nodokļa daļa, bet pašnodarbinātie arī nesaņem apmaksātas slimības lapas, atvaļinājumus utt., tāpēc domāju, ka tas ir taisnīgi.

Nav īsti pamata bažīties par pensijām. Viens mans paziņa Latvijā, kurš ilgi bija strādājis kā pašnodarbinātais tulkotājs, nesen aizgāja pensijā. Acīmredzot ar viņa nodokļu maksājumiem bija pietiekami. Varbūt viņš arī izveidojis iekrājumus, to tik sīki nezinu. Bet šobrīd, kovida laikā, viņš ar velosipēdu ceļo pa Kipru un ir ar dzīvi apmierināts.

Es domāju, ka tie, kas nespēj daudz nopelnīt kā pašnodarbinātie, diez vai pēkšņi atradīs labi apmaksātu darbu, ja viņiem aizliegt būt pašnodarbinātiem. Visdrīzāk rezultāts būs, ka viņi vairāk dzīvos uz pabalstiem, un neviens nebūs ieguvējs – ne šie cilvēki, ne arī valsts.

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2020-11-22 21:04 (saite)
Paldies par viedokli!

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