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Lietotājs:extranjero (42501) extranjero
Jauns neatjēdzīgs skatījums uz lietām
Atrodas:United Kingdom
Bio:A myth is what never happened but is always true.
What never happened is that there was "Nothing But Being"
and Nothing was happy, because just being is joy.
But Nothing became conscious of its being
and said, "Let me become, for there is more joy in becoming."
And the first thing it became, the first Twoness
was man and woman locked in embrace.
The first Idea, the Adi-rasa, became Radha and the Adi Purusha
And from that bliss came all the worlds, material and spiritual.
Atmiņas:1 ieraksts
People16:_zeme, artis, avralavral, brookings, dombrava, formica, gnidrologs, indulgence, iokaste, jan09, mapats, methodrone, muhacakatuha, pzrk, snorke, zero_weirdness
Communities4:n_komentari, pajautaa, sc_news, uzzinu_pedejais
Esmu draugs:40: 011235813, _raagas, _zeme, antiprojekcija, artis, artursp, avralavral, brookings, cibas_policija, cucamonga, dooora, glam_our, gnidrologs, grauziitisos, half_slavic, inivini, iokaste, jan09, kochka, konservs, lavendera, lohu_veseris, malvine_truse, methodrone, mind_unit, mlaumlaumlaumla, muhacakatuha, nekronomikrons, nervukamolis, raidijums, ravena, ruukkis, saturday, shrdlu, snorke, tragedy_q, veterinaars, vins, zero_weirdness, zoja
Ņemās iekš:3: n_komentari, pajautaa, uzzinu_pedejais
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