jūkey ņeserčajet
Kamēr liekas, ka friči un svēdenborki tie labākie, britoni potķagivajetsa. Tā ir kā nebeidzama sacensība.
British police allowing convicted rapists to be classified as 'female', if they no longer want to identify as men---
Male-bodied rapists are being imprisoned with women. Why do so few people care?This policy has been adopted in numerous countries under the guise of tolerance. Recently, Ireland had its first transfer, when a fully intact male sex offender was placed in a women's prison in Limerick. The California Senate also recently voted in favour of such accommodations. This policy often is referred to as "self ID." It means that your status as a male or female is determined by your belief (or claim) about your sex and not by your actual biology.Man sāk patikt progresīvizms. Puskai kušajut.
Btw, interesants
koments zviedristānā par kādu vēl nebiju dzirdējis. Lai guļ gultiņā, kuru saklājušas. Feminisms ir neapturams!
Nu jā, galvenais, ka tiek domās par svarīgāko:

Nez kas no tiek, ja offenderis šādā gadījumā ir kulturāli bagātinošs.
Doctor can return to work after causing decapitation of baby in mother's womb, tribunal rulesJā, uzminējāt, dakters-čurka. Padžītiem ir diezgan bagāta reputācija ar groteskiem fakapiem un atklāti ļaunprātīgu nolaidību NHS. Nav pirmais līdzīgais gadījums (sorr, chimera). Taču kas padara kontekstu spicey, portams ir apoloģētiskā balto labo cilvēku reakcija uz atbilstoša fona tajā pašā valstī:

Tam džekam karjera ir galā.:D
in another news:

un tas vēl nav viss:

Ārpus mesidž groteskuma paša par sevi, ievērojiet akūto diversitātes trūkumu šajā bildē.:)
nu un kur tad vēl bez neliela tranny action:
Man Accused Of Hate Crime For Refusing Sex With UK Trans Womanya, really
Humberside Police has confirmed officers are currently investigating the allegation.
A spokeswoman for the force said: "We received a report of a hate incident yesterday, on Wednesday, October 16. The report has been logged and will be investigated."life is good