gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2019-02-06 20:10:00

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But the scientist is right, up until 24 weeks in the UK a foetus is just a bundle of string and wires, the next day after the 24th week is up it magically transforms into a human being. That is settled science and will be forever settled until the abortion lobby in the UK push for later abortions.

In many other countries in Europe though the string and wire bundle magically transforms into a baby after only just 12 weeks! That's settled science, unless the woman makes a different choice later as in many European countries and she can push to have a later abortion, with permission from health professionals who undo the magic spell on the "baby," and return it to it's string and wires state, before yanking it out.

New York have just said the magic human spell doesn't happen until the string and wires are born, then they become human. That's settled science.

In Virginia now it seems the ball of string and wires even after birth can be torn apart on request of the "mother," in consultation with the "Magic man (doctor)" Who could also perform the "human spell" after birth to turn the string into a baby, it's the woman's choice. That's settled science.

This is why I don't have an opinion on abortion really, as the so called experts are just setting abitrary limits and playing God deciding when a foetus is classed as human, is it 12 weeks, 24 weeks, the point of delivery, after birth, what is it? What is a good cut off point? These experts are just flaying around, throwing random numbers out there and trying to justify it by pretending there is some sort of scientific method at work there, these people just view the child as a piece of string and wires as it makes it easier for them to kill it, they try to hide from the horrific nature of abortion behind white coats.

That being said I am not against all abortion. I just dislike the flippant way it is being viewed as a legitimate lifestyle choice instead of being one of the hardest decisions a person should ever have to make. And also I dislike the arrogant nature of the experts who pretend to know what the cut-off point is when a baby becomes human, to try to soothe their guilt and moral qualms and use "settled science," (that none of them can agree on) as a shield as they yank a moving living breathing baby out of it's mother then toss it in the trash. They can't admit to themselves or anyone else they are performing an horrific act, though sometimes, in my opinion, it might be a necessary evil.

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2019-02-08 23:49 (saite)
Nu lūk, es toties neuzskatu, ka agregātstāvoklis maina ķīmisko forumulu, ja drīkst šādu alegoriju. "Šūnu pikucis" var attiecināt uz jebkuru cilvēku un smadzeņu tāda un tāda stāvokļa esamība ir tikai un vienīgi jūsu uzspiests parametrs, kuru visiem pārējiem nez aiz kāda pārbīļa jāpieņem. Tu priekš manis arī esi tikai šūnu pikucis. Es pat nevaru būt pārliecināts, ka tu prosta nerečitē algortimu, jo tam nav nedz pierādījumu nedz izskaidrojumu, tikai a priors.

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2019-02-09 00:08 (saite)
Tikai bez drāmas, es neesmu saistīts ar abortus regulējošās likumdošanas izveidi vai jebko citu, kas man dotu kaut teorētiskas iespējas kaut ko kādam "uzspiest". Kāpēc to, manuprāt, būtu loģiski pieņemt, jau paskaidroju. Cilvēks bez jebkuras citas detaļas joprojām ir cilvēks šī vārda kaut cik jēgpilnā nozīmē. Cilvēks, kuram atmirušas smadzenes, ir ķermenis, labākajā gadījumā spējīgs elpot un mirkšķināt acis, bet tas arī viss. Forma bez satura. Par Terri Schiavo keisu palasi kaut vai.

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2019-02-09 23:24 (saite)
Bet auglis mātē nav atmiris ķermenis, tieši otrādi. Tas ir cilvēks, kas prosta nav izgājis cauri dažām formālām tehnikālijām, lai sauktos par personu.

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2019-02-10 13:12 (saite)
Mhm, jo SMADZEŅU BŪŠANA GALVĀ ir formāla tehnikālija. Protams, ja tu uzskati ka cilvēki domā nevis ar smadzenēm bet ar dvēselēm, nu tad laikam tev palīdzēt nevarēšu.

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2019-02-10 16:04 (saite)
So, randomlī killot lohus, kas ne sūda nedomā ir košer?

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2019-02-10 17:34 (saite)
"Ne sūda nedomā" šādā izpildījumā ir vnk metafōra, tas par smadzenēm ir ciets fakts. Cilvēkus ar neglābjami nobojātām smadzenēm var killot un tas vispār arī tiek darīts, ja neesi pamanījis.

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2019-02-10 17:57 (saite)
Tātad killot kaut kādus komunistus būtu okej? Un nē, tā nav metafora. Tu burtiski centies man pierādīt, ka intelekts ir vienīgais parametrs kas nosaka killošanas morālo pieļaujamību. No šīs loģikas izriet, kas jo stulbāks cilvēks, jo pieņemamāk killot.

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2019-02-10 18:11 (saite)
Es burtiski cenšos pierādīt ka cilvēks bez smadzenēm (ne kā metafora bet kā fakts) nav cilvēks un uz to neattiecas jebkādi tur morālie pieļāvumi. "Dārzeņi" ar iznīcinātām smadzenēm, embriji pirms tur zināma vecuma, droši vien ir vēl kkādi piemēri ko es uzreiz nezinu.

Un kāpēc ne, ja vispār kādus cilvēkus jākillo tad idioti man pietrūktu vismazāk.

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2019-02-10 23:48 (saite)
Pierādi, ka cilvēkus ar smadzenēm nedrīkst killot. Pierādi.

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