gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2018-10-25 16:33:00

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The European Court of Human Rights ruled on Thursday that an Austrian woman’s criminal conviction and fine for her statements accusing the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) of pedophilia did not breach her right to free speech.

Stating that the court had found that “the applicant’s statements had been likely to arouse justified indignation in Muslims” and “amounted to a generalisation without factual basis”, the ECtHR statement said the woman’s comments could not be covered by the freedom of expression.

Saying it classified the ‘impugned’ statements as “an abusive attack on the Prophet (PBUH) of Islam, which was capable of stirring up prejudice and putting at risk religious peace,” domestic courts came to the conclusion that her speech contained elements of “incitement to religious intolerance.”

Protams, nekas tāds neattiecas uz kristietību un tās ikonām. Itz ebul whypipo religun.

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2018-10-25 21:58 (saite)
Patiesībā viņi pat ļoti daudz reportē viltus jaunumus par to cik lieliski imigranti integrējas sabiedrībā vai kā Austrumeiropā atdzimst nacisms. Šaubos vai tas ģenerē baigos klikšķus, bet kombinācijā ar bezjēdzīgām pop-ziņām ļoti labi formē dezinformatīvu un trulinošu infotelpu. NPC havajet.

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2018-10-26 13:27 (saite)
a) kas ir NPC? b) es arī reizēm brīnos kāpēc tādā vietā kā teiksim apollo ir lielas ziņas par to kā peldas vai sauļojas kaut kādi cilvēki kuru vārdi man neko neizsaka - tas ir tipa aviokkmpāniju u.c. pārvadātāju bizness, tipa re tur ir silti, aizbrauc?

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2018-10-26 19:02 (saite)

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