gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2018-03-12 22:33:00

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*yawn* Atklāts kārtējais "aziātu" pedofilu rings iekš UK, par kuru varas iestādes klusēja un atsacījās izmeklēt 40 gadus cuz muh raycicizm, tikmēr par domu noziegumiem gaida arests.

Man patīk koments. Un nē, nevis tāpēc, ka asinskāre ja, bet cilvēki to visu zināja, vecāki zināja, sociālie darbinieki zināja, menti zināja, tikai ļevoku valdība neļāva neko darīt lietas sakarā. Kā normāli cilvēki to vispār spēj paciest? Varbūt pastāv kāds determinisms un tautām tiešām ar laiku vieta darvina mēslainē (izņemot izredzētos, protams).

I just don't understand. 40 years of rape. 1000+ little girls. Where were their fathers? Why no angry mobs and street lamps decorations? You are afraid of police? Really? Who cares? Your daughter was raped.
At least you can find where gang gathers and burn this place with them inside.
Exactly, this shit would be unacceptable here. The fathers, brothers, cousins, friends, would make these degenerates disappear, with the help of police even.

Politiķu degradantisms un nodevība ir pierasta lieta, bet kšatriji parasti nav liberasti un deģenerāti tādā stadijā vai vismaz ne tādā formā un vecāki stāv kā klintis savu bērnu priekšā, bet laikam vēsture visu vēl nav redzējusi.

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2018-03-13 12:26 (saite)
Paldies par linku. Neizteikšos par politisko interpretāciju šajā rakstā - nejūtos kompetenta spriest, vai "For every 100 white men convicted of public order offences, there were 494 BAME convictions" atspoguļo vai nē reālo situāciju ar kriminālās uzvedības sastopamību šajās grupās.

Taču, ja rakstā minētie statistikas dati ir patiesi, tas runā pretī tavai tēzei, ka policija un tiesas raustās no PC. (Piemēram: "Black people make up 3% of population in England and Wales and 12% of the prison population.."; "The BAME proportion of youth prisoners rose from 25% in 2006 to 41% last year," u.c.)

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2018-03-13 12:36 (saite)
I would suggest that there is a problem with different levels of criminality in various demographic groups, though to say so publicly could get you in hot water (we have stats for this in the US - not sure about the UK).

For example (and this is just my personal observation), knife crime in London is overwhelmingly carried out by young black men. When I was over in England last month I watched a new/talk show about this... it didn't take long for 'white people/society' (social injustice, deprivation etc) to get the blame, and no one in the studio batted an eye -also, when the police stopped and searched young black guys for knives, it was decried as racist. In almost the next breath, the same people complained the police weren't doing anything.

Multiculturalism is a bitch of a challenge.

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2018-03-13 12:45 (saite)
One more comment: I don't think there is a problem convicting BAME people for crime they have committed, but there IS (hopefully WAS) a problem dealing with the gang rape/abuse of young English girls by predominately Muslim gangs - especially as this crime can be linked to passages of the Koran and the hadiths.(

Sensitive topic.

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