gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2017-03-02 13:52:00

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A new litmus test for the credibility of mainstream journalism:
Search for any defamatory article/s on "pewdiepie". Oh look...the New York Times has...eighteen...eighteen since the smear campaign started.
Just look at the title of the first one. "YouTube’s Monster: PewDiePie and His Populist Revolt" - Fuck me, lol. Credible source there Theroux...
No Louie, technology, specifically the internet, has shone a light on the "apotheosis" of conniving mainstream dishonesty.

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2017-03-03 14:44 (saite)
Es teiktu, ka tā ir tīša ļaunprātība. Jo paši kritiķi reizēm joko līdzīgi, bet acīmredzot tas neskaitās, jo MSM ir neaizskaramo suga.

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Neesi iežurnalējies. Iežurnalēties?