Toulouse-Lautrec ([info]gentle) rakstīja,
@ 2009-04-01 21:21:00

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Entry tags:god, spiritual

Conversations with God 002
Came home really late yesterday evening, no time for supper, so just a glass of pure country milk. Woke up really late this morning, so no time for breakfast. Again just a glass of milk. Then working with an empty stomach, and what do I see - some sweet jelly marmelade left in my bag. Ate it all, sugar made my blood heavy and then I hear in my imagination:
- You Don't Know What You're Looking For, do you?
- I know what I am looking for, but I am not sure, if it exists... That's why I sometimes look for something else.
- And you have no idea, what this something else is.
- That's right.
- Probably something similar to what you really whant? Because when you find something else, you don't want it.
- You know everything! Tell me where to look for!

I already told you, where. You didn't try enough. You are unpatient - everything in a single moment. No, my friend, it will take years for you. Otherwise there will be nothing for you to remember in the end of your life. Like you say - pathetic life. No adventure. Nothing for others to be delighted with and nothing for me, too.

Do you like watching movies? You do. SO DO I. You have television. I don't. I have you humans.

You figured it all out about me before, but somehow sometimes forget it. I created you humans not as puppets, that I have to pull all the time, but as free beings as unpredictable, as it's possible, so that it is interesting to watch you from above. The more unpredictable you are, the better you are to me. There are of course things I don't want you humans to do, and you of course know they are discribed in details in the Bible and other so called Holy scriptures. But those things are just a few compared to the things, that I want you to do.

Sometimes you ask me for protection against people, who do things I don't like. I do as much as I can and my only limits are your free will and of course bad things you do to other people. Free will - sometimes you don't fully want to avoid the dangers, sometimes you WANT danger and to be abused and hurt, even if you have a feeling, you shouldn't get into it. Bad things you do to others - if you want to be superior, you must accept the fact, that everyone else may want it, too. And every human is equal to me, so I will only protect against evil those, who don't really want it COMPLETELY - not for themselves and not for the others. I don't accept supperiority and subordination. And it completely doesn't matter in this case, whether one praises me or not. This of course matters to me, too, but in some other way.

There is a third thing however - can you humans hear me or not. You think, I am not besides you. The thing is, I am besides you ALL THE TIME. So what's the problem? The problem is this ALL THE TIME thing - you simply get used to it. When you get used to something, you simply start to ignore it. Of course there are some other small issues like, you want everything to be explained in a perfect loud verbal form with thunder and lightning in a background to make it believable. You don't trust your consciousness and feelings as much, as primitive verbal instructions from outside of you. There is this, let me call it, Holy Spirit FM radio - one must learn to tune up to - your brain is a perfect receiver. Just tune it up. It's just as easy, as to learn to walk - hard in the beginning, but later you can even run and jump!

One more thing for you to remember - I made you according to my own self, that means, YOU ARE ME in some way. Accept it, don't deny it. You are a creator. Not universal, of course - no force can make more powerful force than itself - but still a creator. Create, build, support life, prevent destruction - this will make you so much closer to me.

Good mood to you, stay tuned and farewell for now.

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2009-04-07 22:45 (saite)
eu, pavļik, tev taču jubileja! daudz laimes :)

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2009-04-20 23:22 (saite)
paldies! 25+1, bet, hmmm... kā tu zini?

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2009-04-21 08:21 (saite)
cibiņmeils pačukstēja :)

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