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@ 2013-08-09 16:18:00

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Entry tags:ethnography, foto, health trajectories, somaliland, study

Restricted entrance
Sibylle Rahlenbeck, University of Hargeisa, Hargeisa, Somaliland, 2011
I took the photograph earlier this year while teaching at the Medical Faculty of the University of Hargeisa in Somaliland. This sign, posted at the entrance of Hargeisa Group Hospital, asks visitors and patients for proper conduct: “No Batons, Fires, Chewing Drugs, Pistols or Machine Guns allowed in the clinic!” While the picture might suggest the contrary, I always felt safe at the hospital. Indeed, Somaliland has actually stayed calm in the past decade and recovery can be seen everywhere. Two medical universities have been established and the Hargeisa Group Hospital is one of the teaching hospitals. Despite having created a constitution, an administration, and a governmental system, Somaliland lacks international recognition. As such, no development aid can be received and support is restricted to charities and the diaspora community; British colleagues have helped nurture medical education through the Tropical Health and Education Trust.

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2013-08-10 10:54 (saite)
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2013-08-10 20:19 (saite)
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