cits ([info]garamgajejs) rakstīja,
@ 2013-04-03 11:30:00

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Entry tags:anthropology, culture, evolution, quote, religion

A scientist and non-believer, de Waal isn't saying here that religion is required for human morality, only that the two have been entwined throughout human history. Since I have wearied of the Richard Dawkins school of religion-bashing, in which belief is equated with dim-wittedness, I can only applaud de Waal's approach, as when he writes, "The enemy of science is not religion. Religion comes in endless shapes and forms ... . The true enemy is the substitution of thought, reflection, and curiosity with dogma."

- Frans de Waal's Bottom-Up Morality: We're Not Good Because Of God

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2013-04-04 20:15 (saite)
Uzskatu, ka multilineal evolution ir kļūda; piekrītu 19. gs. nostādnei.

Lielā mērā mani apmierina Whig theory of history.

"Vēsturi" es šeit definēju kā zinātnisku attīstību, ne sociālu etc.

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2013-04-04 20:36 (saite)
Protams, ka multilineal evolution ietver ari relativistu nostajas, kas vairak kaite neka palidz. Bet atgriezties pie Spencera izdzivotaju modela skatijumiem, manuprat, ir neprats.

Es piekritu tam, ka kulturas ir jaskata ka emergent systems ar specigu uzsvaru uz ekologiju, ipasi vesturiska konteksta.

Whig theory ir erta ideologiskam interpretacijam, ta ir butiska problema. Neoevolutionism ir daudz samerigakas pieejas.

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