aņa delovejevna ([info]deloveja_kundze) rakstīja,
@ 2011-05-26 15:04:00

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iespējams, viens no neskaidrākajiem kursu aprakstiem ever. izklausās mazliet kā no tās community epizodes par night classes, kur bija Professor Professorson un visādi random izdomāti priekšmeti. vienvārdsakot, man liekas, ka jāņem ciet.

Information Visualization
This course will focus on methods for visualizing large collections of multivariate
data (numbers, symbols), textual data, and multimedia data (images, video) to
reveal patterns and gain new insights into massive, dynamic, ambiguous, and
sometimes conflicting data. Students will also learn to detect the expected and to
discover the unexpected.

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2011-05-26 16:45 (saite)
+1000 :-)

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