aņa delovejevna ([info]deloveja_kundze) rakstīja,
@ 2009-05-17 21:13:00

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Mūzika:elbow - running to stand still (U2 cover)
Entry tags:tests

es šodien baigi spamoju, bet man negribas mācīties, that's all

Your Superpower Should Be Mind Reading

You are brilliant, insightful, and intuitive.

You understand people better than they would like to be understood.

Highly sensitive, you are good at putting together seemingly irrelevant details.

You figure out what's going on before anyone knows that anything is going on!

Why you would be a good superhero: You don't care what people think, and you'd do whatever needed to be done

Your biggest problem as a superhero: Feeling even more isolated than you do now

What Should Your Superpower Be?

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bet zinām jau, ka pupu mizas
2009-05-17 21:41 (saite)
es jau gaidīju, ka būs šis sakrālais arguments .)

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Re: bet zinām jau, ka pupu mizas
2009-05-17 21:49 (saite)
nu, bet arguments taču diezgan neapgāžams ;)

(tikai khm, es tiešām nezinu, kā varu attaisnot savu sentimentālo ekskursiju pa backstreet boys video krātuvi iekš youtube. eh, es tiešām palieku veca)

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