aņa delovejevna ([info]deloveja_kundze) rakstīja,
@ 2014-04-15 23:40:00

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Entry tags:lol. project writing madness, tests

tā kā man ir ļoti daudz darba, pildu interneta testus. tikko izpildīju Which Strong Female Character Are You (ahh, pats formulējums vien man riebjas), dabūju Irene Adler:

You are all WOMAN. It’s fair to say you’re quite dominant in your relationships, and can’t be bothered with silly notions such as “plans” or “commitment” or “clothing.”

klik klik, ja nu jūs arī šis interesē: http://www.buzzfeed.com/catesevilla/which-strong-female-character-are-you

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2014-04-16 09:42 (saite)
You got: Xena: Warrior Princess

You have a super shady past, but you’ve managed to overcome your past demons and have strategically bitch-slapped your way to redemption.

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