black_robin ([info]black_robin) rakstīja,
@ 2024-04-10 12:18:00

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Runājot par gradāciju - protams, ka ir atšķirība starp apaugļotu olšūnu un dienu pirms dzemdībām. Nepiederu nevienai reliģijai un nevaru sacīt, ka man ir pilnīga pārliecība, ka līdzko olšūna tiek apaugļota, tā rodas dvēsele un neaizskarama dzīvība, taču man arī nav pārliecības par jebkādu punktu šajā posmā par kuru varētu droši sacīt, ka tas ir īstais mirklis to apturēt.

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2024-04-10 16:23 (saite)
Our minds attach labels to things in the surrounding world, and interpret those labels as discontinuities. If things have different labels, then we expect there to be a clear line of demarcation between them. The universe, however, runs on processes rather than things, and a process starts as one thing and becomes another without ever crossing a clear boundary. Worse, if there is some apparent boundary, we are likely to point to it and shout "that's it!' just because we can't see anything else worth getting agitated about.

How many times have you been in a discussion in which some- body says 'We have to decide where to draw the line? For instance, most people seem to accept that in general terms women should be permitted abortions during the earliest stages of pregnancy but not during the very late stages. 'Where you draw the line', though, is hotly debated and of course some people wish to draw it at one extreme or the other. There are similar debates about exactly when a developing embryo becomes a person, with legal and moral rights. Is it at conception? When the brain first forms? At birth? Or was it always a potential person, even when it 'existed' as one egg and one sperm?

The 'draw a line' philosophy offers a substantial political advantage to people with hidden agendas. The method for getting what you want is first to draw the line somewhere that nobody would object to, and then gradually move it to where you really want it, arguing continuity all the way. For example, having agreed that killing a child is murder, the line labelled 'murder' is then slid back to the instant of conception; having agreed that people should be allowed to read whichever newspaper they like, you end up sup-porting the right to put the recipe for nerve gas on the Internet.

If we were less obsessed with labels and discontinuity, it would be much easier to recognize that the problem here is not where to draw the line: it is that the image of drawing a line is inappropriate. There is no sharp line, only shades of grey that merge unnoticed into one another - despite which, one end is manifestly white and the other is equally clearly black. An embryo is not a person, but as it develops it gradually becomes one. There is no magic moment at which it switches from non-person to person - instead, it merges continuously from one into the other.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Diskusija)

2024-04-10 17:08 (saite)
Nav šeit līniju. Slepkavība ir slepkavība, neatkarīgi cik mazattīstīts vai degradējies ir upuris. Sauksim lietas īstajā vārdā and be done with it. Nevainīgu dzīvību upurēšana juteklisku baudu un izlaidības vārdā ir mūsu pašreizējās kultūras sakraments.
Eitanāzija arī ir slepkavība. Vēl viens jauns sakraments, iestājoties pilnam luciferiānismam. Ne velti mūsu Rietumu zeitgeistu daudzi sauc par "nāves kultūru". Pamatoti.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2024-04-10 17:45 (saite)
Paldies par ilustrāciju rakstā teiktajam.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2024-04-10 19:55 (saite)
Lūdzu par informāciju. Atcerieties, fakti ir svarīgāki par jūtām.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2024-04-10 22:26 (saite)
Pilnīgi pareizi. Apaugļota olšūna =/=cilvēks. Fakts. Svarīgāks par ticīgo jūtām.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2024-04-11 00:15 (saite)
Aha. Žīds =/= cilvēks. Man patīk tavs domu gājiens.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais)

2024-04-15 13:53 (saite)
Iemācies valodu un atšķirību starp nakti un dienu, bēbi.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais)

2024-04-15 13:52 (saite)
Beidz kropļot valodu, analfabēt, starp krēslu un galdu vai ābolu un bumbieri ir īstas jēdzieniskas, valodiskas un būtības atšķirības, nevis spektrs. Jūs savu neprasmi lietot vārdus uztiepjat visai pārējai cilvēcei. Beidziet būt bēbji, un atgriezieties bērnudārza solā, kur vēlreiz jāmācās vārdiņu un skaņu piesaiste īstenībai.

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