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@ 2012-11-26 13:40:00

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"Nothing short of massive reductions in burning fossil fuels will have any effect whatsoever on CO2 emissions. And any such reduction will kill economic activity. It isn't even a question of stalling economic growth. We are talking about shutting down most economic activity period. Over 80% of global economic work comes from burning fossil fuels. "

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2012-11-26 15:28 (saite)
Tulkojumā no angļu valodas - kurš dod žurkas pakaļu? Paaudze, š varu apgalvot ar vistīrāko no pieejamām sirdsapziņām, ka neesmu ārēji aizņēmies nevienu pušplēstu dālderi, ne pusi eiro, neko, vot ne ceturtdaļkapeiciņas! Nu, kur mana konfektīte?

a parādi...he, jaunā paaudze tos atrisinās uz skaitli viens. Kā? Alimentāri. Kā lāču zeme pirms gadiem padsmit, un daudzas citas zemes arī ik pa brīdim. Vienā dienā pasludinās defoltu un ejiet visi ar saviem parādiem, bugaga!

tā ka viss jau sen ir izgudrots, velosipēds un parādu norakstīšana arī.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2012-11-26 23:47 (saite)
Well, the state took out a loan of 1,000,000,000 US dollars on our taxpayers' name earlier this year (interest around 5.5% payable in 2017)

The state can't print its own debt-free money - only the parasite class can do that and they are in control - there'll be no defaults - that invention will be gathering dust in the eccentric's shed.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

chickens coming home to roost
2012-11-27 00:02 (saite)

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