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@ 2012-11-26 13:40:00

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"Nothing short of massive reductions in burning fossil fuels will have any effect whatsoever on CO2 emissions. And any such reduction will kill economic activity. It isn't even a question of stalling economic growth. We are talking about shutting down most economic activity period. Over 80% of global economic work comes from burning fossil fuels. "

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2012-11-26 23:47 (saite)
Well, the state took out a loan of 1,000,000,000 US dollars on our taxpayers' name earlier this year (interest around 5.5% payable in 2017)

The state can't print its own debt-free money - only the parasite class can do that and they are in control - there'll be no defaults - that invention will be gathering dust in the eccentric's shed.

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chickens coming home to roost
2012-11-27 00:02 (saite)

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