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@ 2021-03-19 12:21:00

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Cilvēki zem 18 gadu vecuma ir bērni, un viņu starpā ir arī LGBT bērni. Vismaz tā tas ir šeit - realitātē.
"Father jailed after referring to biological female child as his daughter":
Hoogland had previously discovered that his daughter’s school had been showing her sexual and gender identity education materials known as “SOGI 123,” which the report referred to as transgender “propaganda videos.”

By the 7th grade, the school had changed his daughter’s name in the yearbook without telling her parents, and “socially transitioned” her with the input of gender ideologue psychologist Wallace Wong, who advised the pubescent child to take testosterone.

The report adds that Wong referred Hoogland’s daughter to the endocrinology unit at the local hospital, and that a “treatment” plan was put into action on her first visit.

“Here I am, sitting there as a parent, watching a perfectly healthy child be destroyed, and there’s nothing I can do but sit on the sideline — and according to Justice Boden at the time, cheer it on,” Hoogland said in an interview last year. “I can only affirm, or get thrown in jail.”

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2021-03-20 20:51 (saite)
"Lūk, man nešķiet, ka šāda interpretācija par šobrīd notiekošo ir pietiekami argumentēta. Tikpat ticama ir interpretācija, ka straujš transbērnu skaita pieaugums ir saistīts vnk ar to, ka sabiedrība ir kļuvusi tolerantāka un drošāka šiem cilvēkiem, tādēļ viņi sāk agrāk iznākt no skapja nekā pirms 10 gadiem."

Un ja nāks klajā kādi vēl dīvaināki peodofīļu un citu pervīgu bērnu seksualizētāju nodomi par seksuālo liberalizāciju, tu tieši tā pat atbalstīsi tos. Tu esi slima. Beidz klausīties ko tev saka "agenda". Ieklausies savas sirdsapziņas balsī vairāk.

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2021-03-20 20:53 (saite)

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