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@ 2018-10-13 12:06:00

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"Nixon was suffering from mental illness and taking daily medication without a prescription. He was under heavy stress from the Watergate scandal. Schlesinger (Secretary of Defence) ordered military not to react to orders from the White House unless he cleared them first. Nixon ordered bombing raids that were silently canceled by Kissinger."

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2018-10-13 13:44 (saite)
According to Summers’s account, Nixon started taking Dilantin after Dreyfus gave him the drug soon after the 1968 election. The drug is used principally for the treatment of epilepsy, but Dreyfus, who is not a doctor, advocated the use of the drug for mood disorders such as depression.

Nixon apparently told Dreyfus he wanted “some of that,” and Dreyfus agreed to give the drug to his friend without a prescription, Summers writes. One of the side effects of the drug is that it can cause “severe mental confusion.”

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2018-10-13 14:21 (saite)
Dalantin ir fenitoīns, kas nav nekas īpašs, pat ne benzo līmenī. To gan licencēti lieto pret sirds aritmijām un epilepsiju, bet pat off-label lietošana nekādus lielos riskus nerada, ja vien nepārdozē un sirds iztur. Bet diez vai tas kaut kā ietekmēja Niksona darbību. Tas ka antiepileptiskos līdzekļus lieto arī garastāvokļa līdzsvarošanai ir taisnība, un ja fenitoīnam arī piemīt līdzīga darbība (tas gan nav pierādīts), tad loģiski, ka tam tikai vajadzētu mazināt Niksona stresu. Ja būtu stipri blakusefekti (tie ir nedaudz līdzīgi alkohola reibumam), tad diez vai viņš turpinātu šīs zāles lietot.

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2018-10-13 17:37 (saite)

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2018-10-13 18:12 (saite)
Es pat nezinu, ko šis nozīmē. ;) Bet piekrītu, ka šī ziņa par Niksona medikamentiem nav neko nozīmīga.

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