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@ 2017-08-10 21:00:00

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the US, it's not as bad because of immigration, but if you only include native born americans ( non-immigrants ), our population demographics is even worse than japan. Native born americans stopped procreating at replacement levels since the late 1960s.

Unless Japan/Western Europe bring in millions of immigrants, they are going to be in for major problems because of their liabilities to retirees. A shrinking population can't hope to support the older generation. And the worst part is that if younger generation has to support the older generation, they will put off have kids because they simply can't afford them. Which in turn exacerbates the problem and it turns into a vicious cycle.

But immigration also has its own problems. So the industrialized world is caught between a rock and a hard place.

Even in the US, the pro-immigration policy is a stop-gap measure. The population can't grow forever.

Blackrock has an interesting paper on the overall trends.

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2017-08-11 10:12 (saite)
Kamēr vien saglabājas ilgtspējīga (ha!) ekonomiski aktīvo vs ekonomiski neaktīvo iedzīvotāju proporcija, populācija drīkst sarukt. Un par mūžīgo pieaugumu es piekrītu, tas ir neobligāts. Taču mūsu sabiedrība ne tikai rūk, bet arī noveco, un sociālās aizsardzības (servisi) metodes nav šādiem apstākļiem piemērotas. Līdz ar to, status quo sociālo servisu jomā nodrošināt nevar.

Otra nelaime ir tā, ka valsts nesarūk proporcionāli iedzīvotāju skaita sarukumam, līdz ar to slogs uz nodokļu maksātājiem (pie kuriem es neskaitu no budžeta saņemto ienākumu daļas atmaksātājus, lai arī tīri tehniski viņiem arī kaut kādi nodokļi aug) pieaug.

No vienas puses, proporcijas mainīšanai dažādas intensitātes metožu ir gana, no otras, tās, savā vairumā, ir gana radikālas, tā ka, domāju, kamēr pilnā ātrumā neietrieksimies betona sienā, pūšanas process turpināsies kā līdz šim.

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