antiprojekcija ([info]antiprojekcija) rakstīja,
@ 2021-03-21 11:12:00

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Es (vairs) neesmu ticīgs, taču apzinos, ka kristīgais pasaules skatījums joprojām lielā mērā nosaka manu morālo izjūtu. Varbūt tāpēc sprediķi mani joprojām nekad neatstāj vienaldzīgu - vai nu mitras acis, vai sažmiegtas dūres!

Gribēju svētdienā padalīties ar šo Chris Hedges sprediķi, kas, manuprāt, runā par patiesajiem cilvēces ienaidniekiem.

"The corporate forces that have commodified the natural world for profit have also commodified human beings. We are as expendable to global corporations as the Barrier Reef or the great sequoias. These corporations and ruling elites, which have orchestrated the largest transference of wealth upward in human history, with globe’s richest 1 percent owning half the world’s wealth, kneel, and force us to kneel, before the dictates of the global marketplace. They have seized control of our governments, extinguishing democracy, corrupting law and building alliances with neofascists and authoritarians as the ruling ideology of neoliberalism is exposed as a con. They have constructed pervasive and sophisticated systems of internal security, wholesale surveillance and militarized police, along with criminalizing poverty, to crush dissent."


"Those we battle as the society and the ecosystem disintegrate will increasingly appropriate the language of religion. They will seek to sanctify evil. These Christian fascists, like all idol worshippers, endow themselves with absolute power and authority. They claim to speak and act for God. They externalize evil. Evil, for them, is not the constant struggle to combat the dark forces within our own hearts but is embodied in the demonized other—Muslims, immigrants, blacks, feminists, artists, intellectuals or homosexuals—and once the other is eradicated, evil itself will somehow miraculously be eradicated; except of course it won’t, and these Manicheans will, in frustration, oppress and kill new groups of demonized human beings with an even greater fury. These beliefs, common to all fundamentalists, who can come in secular form as we see with the New Atheists, are the ideological cover for an emerging dystopia."

Pilns sprediķa teksts.

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2021-03-22 19:16 (saite)
Tu gadījumā neesi arī iestājies Plakanās zemes biedrībā un pētījis viņu atziņu ietekmi uz mūsdienu aviāciju? :D

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2021-03-22 20:30 (saite)
Tu jau pirmais sāki par "marksistiem" un "sociālistiem". Mēs tikai mēģinām paskaidrot, ko tas nozīmē.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2021-03-22 20:34 (saite)
Es vienkārši norādīju, ka persona, kuru tu citē, ir sociālists, marksisma atbalstītājs, tāpēc es viņu nespēju uztvert nopietni.

Bet tu sāki aizstāvēt, ka marksisms ir nopietna filozofija.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2021-03-22 21:04 (saite)
Sociālists nozīmē sociālu politiku atbalstītājs. Marksisms ir nopietna un joprojām aktuāla kapitālisma kritika.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2021-03-22 21:08 (saite)
Tā domā tikai tie, kas uzskata marksismu par nopietnu analīzi. Bet realitātē tie ir primitīvi, neglābjami novecojuši pārspriedumi.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais)

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